13 October 2009

My New Personal Quote-

                    "Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you."

--Timothy Ferriss

I came across this quote tonight and I saw myself in every word of it. I’m guilty of sitting back, putting things off and thinking ‘someday’. The problem with that is, time isn’t sitting back and waiting for me. As I write this, I’m reminded of a really close friend who, over 20 years ago, tried to convinced me to apply to law school with him since I shared his dream of being a lawyer. I graduated from college about 4 yrs earlier, and he was a senior in college, and I wasn’t interested in going back to school yet, but I thought maybe, ‘someday.’

Funny how time flies…

I almost blinked, and he had gotten his law degree, and had become a successful attorney, and was making 2.5x what I was making at the time, and I began to regret that I put it off.

I’m happy doing what I do, but I used to wonder if I hadn’t put off law school. I did consider law school about 10 years ago, when my friend insisted I would hate it, as he was wishing he had taken another career path…

I’m working on a collection of short stories (Designer Strait Jackets & other Short Stories), trying to publish a collection of poems (The Love Experience Pt.1), and am about 30% done with a novel (Notes from An Accidental Life).


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