11 August 2023

The world is filled with actors

      The world is filled with actors. People acting like they're your friends. Acting like they care about your well-being.  Smiling at you, saying all the right things-without doing a damn thing to support you,  they will like your advertised work, and they will comment how beautiful it is, and some will repeatedly encourage you to open a brick and mortar business even though they've had your desserts for years and ain't  never bought  sh!t. If you do open a brick and mortar business, they're the types who will visit the business, come inside, look at the displays, tell you they like what they see, that everything looks so delicious, eat all the free samples, then leave the business empty-handed on a Daily basis. And, periodically ask you about how the business is going.  Some will stop by the business everyday just to see what's on display and will leave without saying a word.  Some will also say you need to start a baking business every time they taste your contribution at a social event (and when they see the annual post of the party there will be comments stating they are glad the cake guy is coming) and you will give them a business card every year you see them, but they will contact you not to place an order, but to invite you to a party and ask you to bring (for free) the last dessert you brought to the last party of a mutual friend.  

  The world is filled with actors.   Acting like they wish you well when they could care less if you fell off the face of the earth.

ok, rant over. 

Sorry about that.

currently listening to Triumph (instrumental) by Wu Tang Clan


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