22 January 2024

Note to self- Honor Your Right to Protect Your Spirit


Your first and foremost job is to take care of you. Everything else comes second.

 - D. Simone

Our spirit is the deepest, truest part of us. It's the seat of our emotions, our inner light, our sense of self. When our spirit feels seen, valued and nurtured, we walk with confidence and strength. But when our spirit is continually battered or bruised, we can lose touch with who we are. That's why it's so important to honor your right to protect your spirit.

What does it mean to protect your spirit? It means being aware of people and situations that are toxic or draining and limiting your exposure to them. It means speaking up when a boundary has been crossed, whether that's a hurtful remark or a betrayal of trust. Protecting your spirit means creating space in your life for activities that spark joy, inspire you, and make you feel whole.

Honoring your right to protect your spirit may require making difficult but necessary changes:

  • Ending toxic relationships, even if they are longstanding ones. Consider if the good still outweighs the soul-crushing aspects.
  • Reducing time with people who leave you feeling diminished. Don't continue subjecting yourself to their energy-draining ways.
  • Letting go of resentments and anger that bind your spirit to past hurts. Forgiveness can be for you, not them.
  • Creating healthy boundaries with work, family and friends. Know your limits and when to say no.
  • Making self-care a priority, not a luxury. Do what nurtures your spirit daily.

Protecting your spirit is not about ego or selfishness. It is about self-preservation of your inner light and peace. No one else can define your worth or dictate how you should be treated. Honor what your spirit needs to thrive.

When you consistently take action to protect the sanctity of your spirit, you will attract more love and positivity into your life. You will feel confident, empowered and resilient. 

 Shine on.

Currently listening to Shalamar-There It Is

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