29 November 2014

I'll set this down right here....

Ledisi ,Eric Benet , and Chrisette Michele

The Most

     "The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have."
         - Vince Lombardi

Are you doing the best with what you have?   I pray to God every day, asking if I'm doing the best- am I doing the most with what I think He gave me?    I hope the answer is yes.

Chrisette Michelle- Better


those that sincerely want the best for me have shown it.

those that say they want be best for me have said it.

it will happen.

                                                                     I have a dream, and you're not willing to help me then 

get out 

            of my way. 


27 November 2014


Christopher Columbus



19 November 2014

11 November 2014

Bon Anniversaire

Thanks for all the kind messages and wall posts. It's amazing how quickly time flies.

Another year has passed, full of interesting challenges and triumphs. A test of character, old friends, new friends, a tighter budget, more smile lines, gray hairs. The setbacks and the come-ups. The breakdown(s) before the breakthrough. lol Thank You, God, for every single one of them. And thank You for the people you constantly work through to teach me, acknowledge me, love me, inspire me, chin-check me, stay with me, or leave me in order to make me into a better version of me.

It's all worth it just to say I'm still here and I ain't been licked yet -- that I've  lived another day and for the feeling that I could likely survive anything. I receive it, gratefully.

Happy Birthday To Me!