28 April 2021

Bucket List

* Go to Paris one more time 

* Go to Toronto one more time 

* Visit my mom one more time 

* Go to Brooklyn and Queens NY to meet my biological sisters for the first time, and any other biological siblings I may discover.

That's it.

 Any other items on previous bucket lists are unattainable ( like love and happiness). 

22 April 2021


Ce que vous donnez est ce que je vais donner. Si vous ne donnez rien, vous n’obtenez rien

08 April 2021


I was going to write a post about what's been going on in my life within the past month, and my feelings about myself being my worst enemy and blah blah blah, but before I did that I was curious to see about any comments from past posts, and I see the last comment I received was March 26.

Of 2019.

Despite the 10 or more blogs on which I comment, on a weekly basis, obviously, I'm writing to myself. No one is returning the favor. Like this post. Right now. Every word I'm writing right now. No one will see it but me. So it doesn't even make sense writing any 
