11 November 2023



People will try their hardest to destroy what shines.  Shine brighter. 

- me 

Currently listening to Try, by Madison McFerrin

17 October 2023

Those 2 words


Kindness may speak volumes through actions, but the echoes of gratitude have the power to amplify its impact. For in expressing our appreciation, we not only uplift others but also strengthen the bonds that kindness creates. Let us remember to speak loudly with our gratitude, for it is the language that resonates long after the act of kindness has passed.


Currently listening to Crazay, by Jesse Johnson, featuring Sly Stone

06 October 2023

The Bare Minimum.


I learned a lesson today. 

I finally got it through my thick skull, to stop going above and beyond to make people happy and to stop caring what people think of me. It's a waste of time, and some people are not worth it. The manner of which I was spoken to this morning  in regards to constant attempts to be regarded as nice and cool and thoughtful was so heartbreaking. I learned a lesson today. Like everyone else involved, as of today, I will do the bare minimum. I will give the bare minimum. I will not show up with gifts. I will not offer to pay for anything except for myself. I will not offer to pick anyone up. I will not offer to drive anyone home. I will not offer to pay for others. I will not stay behind to help clean up.  I will not arrive on time. As soon as people begin to leave, I will do the same. I will not call to ask if they had a good day. I will do the bare minimum. I will not stand out anymore. The days of people-pleasing are over. Periodt.

currently listening to Koo Koo, by Sheila E

04 October 2023


 People will show you if they love you, if they have time for you, or if they could care less if you lived or died, based on their actions or inactions. 

Don't believe me?

Stop reaching out to people and see who will check up on you.  Some close relationships I've had ended immediately when I stopped calling or texting. Years have gone by without them messaging me once, which I found odd because we used to hang out all the time, and it took my not calling or texting to realize the friendship was only on my behalf.

Currently listening to Love Changes, by Mother's Finest

01 October 2023






to bless you 


 block you. 

Use discernment. 

Both will be smiling.

18 September 2023

That part


Some individuals may be disappointed when you decide to reciprocate the same level of attention they give you, as they are accustomed to you consistently going above and beyond without expecting anything in return.


15 September 2023

Empathy in Action: Guiding Others Through Difficult Times


Instead of dismissively telling someone to 'get over it,' let's offer our support and empathy to help them navigate through their struggles. By extending a helping hand, we can make a genuine difference in their healing journey.

currently listening to Can I Put You In My Pocket, by Cinema

14 September 2023

Note To Self- Healing Invisible Wounds: The Power of Inner Scars

 In life, we all experience pain and suffering, whether it be physical or emotional. Often, we focus on the visible wounds that can be seen on the outside, neglecting the profound impact that invisible scars can have on our well-being. As the quote says, "Sometimes, the scars on the inside take longer to heal than the ones on the outside." I'll try to explore the significance of inner scars, their healing process, and the strength that arises from acknowledging and embracing them.

 1. Understanding Inner Scars: Inner scars are the emotional, psychological, or spiritual wounds that we carry within ourselves. They are the result of various traumas, disappointments, heartbreaks, and failures that we encounter throughout our lives. Unlike physical scars that may fade over time, inner scars can persist if left unaddressed. They can manifest as feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety, or a lack of self-worth. 

2. The Hidden Struggles: In a world that often emphasizes physical appearance and external achievements, it is easy to overlook the hidden struggles we face internally. Inner scars can be just as debilitating, if not more, than their visible counterparts. They can affect our relationships, self-esteem, and overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. 

3. The Healing Journey: Healing inner scars requires a deep and intentional process of self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-care. It involves acknowledging and accepting the pain that we have experienced, and allowing ourselves to grieve and process those emotions. Seeking therapy, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can be instrumental in this healing journey. 

4. The Power of Vulnerability: Embracing our inner scars with vulnerability and authenticity can be incredibly empowering. Sharing our stories and struggles not only helps us heal but also creates a space for others to feel seen and understood. By embracing our inner scars, we break the stigma surrounding mental health and foster a supportive community that encourages growth and resilience. 

5. Transforming Pain into Strength: While inner scars may take longer to heal, they also have the potential to become powerful sources of strength and resilience. Through our struggles, we gain wisdom, empathy, and a greater appreciation for life's blessings. By reframing our inner scars as badges of honor, we can transform our pain into a catalyst for personal growth and positive change. 

 It is crucial to remember that healing is a unique and individual journey, and there is no set timeline for the healing of inner scars. By acknowledging and embracing our inner wounds, we take the first step towards healing and embark on a path of self-discovery and growth. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and your inner scars do not define you. They are a testament to your strength and resilience, reminding you of the incredible capacity you have to heal, thrive, and inspire others along the way.


currently listening to-Tell Me Anything, by Andy Stott


13 September 2023

Note to self- Embracing the Power of Positive Imagination: Leaving the Worst Behind


    In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it's all too easy to get caught up in a cycle of negative thinking. We often find ourselves imagining the worst possible outcomes, constantly worrying about what could go wrong. But what if we told you that there's a better way? A way to harness the power of positive imagination and leave the worst behind? I invite you to explore the transformative effects of embracing a more optimistic mindset. 

1. The Trap of Negative Imagination: When we fixate on the worst-case scenarios, we inadvertently create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our thoughts shape our reality, and dwelling on potential failures or misfortunes only serves to amplify our fears and anxieties. Negative imagination limits our potential, stifles creativity, and hinders personal growth. It's time to break free from this trap.

 2. The Power of Positive Imagination: Positive imagination is the key to unlocking a world of endless possibilities. By envisioning favorable outcomes and focusing on the best-case scenarios, we open ourselves up to new opportunities. Positive imagination fuels motivation, resilience, and optimism. It encourages us to take risks, learn from failures, and embrace the unknown with enthusiasm. 

3. Shifting Perspectives: Shifting from a negative to a positive mindset requires conscious effort and practice. Start by acknowledging your negative thoughts and challenging their validity. Replace them with positive affirmations and visualize success. Surround yourself with uplifting influences, whether it be through reading inspiring books, listening to motivational podcasts, or engaging with supportive communities. 

4. Cultivating Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help shift our focus from the worst to the best. Take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for, no matter how small. This practice rewires our brains to seek out the positive aspects of life, allowing us to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to overcome. 

5. Embracing Uncertainty: Life is inherently uncertain, and no amount of negative imagination can change that. Instead of fearing the unknown, learn to embrace it. Recognize that in every challenge lies the potential for growth and transformation. By reframing uncertainty as an adventure, you'll find yourself more open to the possibilities and less burdened by worry. 

 Imagination is a powerful tool that can shape our perception of the world and ultimately determine our happiness. By consciously choosing to imagine the best instead of the worst, we can create a more positive, fulfilling life. Embrace the power of positive imagination, leave the worst behind, and watch as your dreams become a reality. Remember, the greatest stories are often born from the wildest dreams. So, dare to dream big, and let your imagination soar!


currently listening to Lovin' You by Tony Toni Tone

12 September 2023

The Universal Concept of Karma


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.  And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians  6:7-9 KJV


Karma is a principle that transcends religious boundaries. 🌀⚛️ Whether we look at Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, or even philosophies like Stoicism, we find variations of this universal truth. Karma reminds us that our actions have consequences, shaping our present and future. It's a powerful reminder to be mindful of the energy we emit into the world and to make choices that align with our values. Let's embrace this beautiful concept, regardless of our beliefs, and strive to create a world filled with compassion, love, and positive change. 🌍💫❤️

currently listening to Truth, by Janet Jackson

02 September 2023

16 August 2023

The Power of Listening: Sometimes, It's the Most Important Thing You Can Do

 In a world filled with noise and constant distractions, we often overlook one of the most valuable skills we possess: listening. While we may think that talking and expressing ourselves is the key to effective communication, we often forget that listening plays an equally crucial role. 

1. Building Stronger Connections: Listening is the foundation of meaningful connections. When we truly listen to someone, we show them that their thoughts, feelings, and experiences matter. By giving our undivided attention, we create a safe space for others to share and feel understood. This fosters deeper relationships, trust, and empathy. 

2. Enhancing Personal Growth: Listening isn't just about hearing words; it's about understanding and learning from different perspectives. By actively listening to others, we expose ourselves to new ideas, insights, and knowledge. This can expand our horizons, challenge our beliefs, and promote personal growth. Through listening, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.

 3. Resolving Conflicts: Often, conflicts arise from misunderstandings and miscommunication. By listening attentively, we can gain a clearer understanding of the issue at hand and the emotions involved. This allows us to respond with empathy and find common ground. The act of listening demonstrates respect and shows a willingness to work towards resolution, fostering healthier and more peaceful relationships. 

4. Supporting Mental Health: In a fast-paced world, people often yearn for someone who will listen without judgment. By lending an empathetic ear, we give others the space to express themselves freely, which can be incredibly therapeutic. Listening can provide solace and validation, making individuals feel heard, understood, and less alone. It's a simple act that can have a profound impact on someone's mental well-being.

Listening is a skill that requires practice and intentionality. By honing our listening skills, we can cultivate deeper connections, foster personal growth, resolve conflicts, and support others' mental health. It's a powerful tool that allows us to understand and connect with the world around us. So, let us remind ourselves that sometimes the most important thing we can do is to simply listen.

currently listening to I Wish U Heaven, by Prince

11 August 2023

The world is filled with actors

      The world is filled with actors. People acting like they're your friends. Acting like they care about your well-being.  Smiling at you, saying all the right things-without doing a damn thing to support you,  they will like your advertised work, and they will comment how beautiful it is, and some will repeatedly encourage you to open a brick and mortar business even though they've had your desserts for years and ain't  never bought  sh!t. If you do open a brick and mortar business, they're the types who will visit the business, come inside, look at the displays, tell you they like what they see, that everything looks so delicious, eat all the free samples, then leave the business empty-handed on a Daily basis. And, periodically ask you about how the business is going.  Some will stop by the business everyday just to see what's on display and will leave without saying a word.  Some will also say you need to start a baking business every time they taste your contribution at a social event (and when they see the annual post of the party there will be comments stating they are glad the cake guy is coming) and you will give them a business card every year you see them, but they will contact you not to place an order, but to invite you to a party and ask you to bring (for free) the last dessert you brought to the last party of a mutual friend.  

  The world is filled with actors.   Acting like they wish you well when they could care less if you fell off the face of the earth.

ok, rant over. 

Sorry about that.

currently listening to Triumph (instrumental) by Wu Tang Clan


The Floacist, Let Me ft Beautiful Black Women with Afro, 2014

31 July 2023

The Paradox of Perception: Seeing beyond the Good in People

In our daily encounters with others, it is natural to enter into interactions with a predisposition to see the good in people. The belief that everyone has inherent goodness is a beautiful sentiment, nurturing empathy and understanding. However, in the journey of self-preservation and growth, there are times when it becomes necessary to suspend this inclination and instead pay closer attention to what people show us. 

Seeing the Good:

As human beings, the desire to believe in the inherent goodness of others is deeply ingrained. This perspective offers comfort, building trust and fostering meaningful connections. Seeing the good in people enables us to approach relationships with an open heart, encouraging compassion and forgiveness. It allows us to build bridges of empathy and maintain a positive outlook on the world. Indeed, this optimistic outlook is a fundamentally noble characteristic of humanity.

The Need to See What's Shown:

However, it is essential to recognize that solely relying on assuming the good in people can be fraught with naivety and potentially lead to disappointment or even harm. By paying closer attention to what people show us in their actions, behaviors, and choices, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of who they truly are. This doesn't mean adopting a cynical or distrustful mindset, but rather practicing discernment and critical thinking.

Breaking the Illusion:

By stopping to solely focus on the good in people and instead observing what they reveal about themselves, we become more aware of inconsistencies and red flags that might have otherwise been glossed over. It allows us to see the true motivations, values, and intentions of others, painting a more accurate picture of the reality we are dealing with.

Integrity and Self-Preservation:

Acknowledging the value of seeing what people show us is not a call to be judgmental or intolerant. Rather, it is an invitation to align our perception and understanding with reality. Recognizing and accepting reality grants us the knowledge to protect ourselves, navigate relationships authentically, and establish healthy boundaries. In turn, it empowers us to make informed decisions based on fully knowing the individuals we encounter.

While it is undoubtedly beautiful and important to see the good in people, there are moments when we must temper our innate inclination and pay closer attention to what people show us. By embracing a balanced approach to perception, we can align our understanding of others with reality. This, in turn, enables us to safeguard our well-being, build authentic connections, and navigate relationships with a deeper sense of wisdom and discernment. True growth and self-preservation come from the ability to embrace both the light and the shadows that others reveal along their journey, allowing us to see people for who they truly are.

currently listening to:  Forever, For Always, For love , by Luther Vandross

29 July 2023

Understanding the Significance of "No Response is a Response"

Understanding the Significance of "No Response is a Response"

Communication is the foundation of human interaction, with words serving as vessels of meaning and understanding. However, there are instances where silence carries as much weight as words ever could. The quote, "No response is a response," holds the power to shape our perception of communication and unravel an array of emotions and intentions.

Silent Communication:

Silence has a language of its own, capable of conveying messages that words may fail to capture. While immediate responses are often desired, the absence of a reply is, in itself, a response laden with value. It can signify a range of emotions, such as uncertainty, ambivalence, or the desire for privacy. It forces us to pause, interpret, and reflect, encouraging us to listen closely to the deeper meaning behind the silence.

The Power of Absence:
At times, silence helps us comprehend the gravity of a situation. When met with silence, we are encouraged to question why an expected response hasn't materialized. In such instances, the absence of words reminds us of the value we place on communication and the impact it has on our relationships. It underscores the importance of being present and actively engaging in conversation to avoid misinterpretations or misunderstandings.

Understanding Nonverbal Cues:
As social beings, we often rely on nonverbal cues to enhance our understanding of one another. Silence can be a powerful nonverbal cue, leaving us with powerful insight into the emotions and thoughts of others. Though unspoken, silence manifests itself through body language, facial expressions, and a myriad of other nonverbal cues. By practicing conscious observation, we can interpret silence and grasp the message behind this lack of response.

Self-Reflection and Growth:
When faced with silence, we are presented with an opportunity for self-reflection. It prompts us to question our own communication patterns and the way we respond or choose not to respond. Through introspection, we gain a heightened sense of self-awareness, a quality that fosters personal growth and enhances our ability to understand others. By acknowledging and accepting that no response is a response, we can fine-tune our communication skills and foster more meaningful connections.

Harnessing the Power of Silence:
In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, embracing the silence can be both empowering and transformative. By recognizing that silence holds equal significance in communication, we enable ourselves to value moments of stillness and reflection. It helps us become better active listeners and encourages us to approach conversations with patience, empathy, and understanding.

"No response is a response" serves as a reminder that silence is not mere emptiness, but rather a rich platform for communication. By embracing this quote, we gain insight into the complexities of human interaction and the unspoken emotions lurking within silence. As we navigate the intricacies of communication, let us remember to value the unspoken, listen to the unsaid, and approach silence as a powerful tool for greater understanding and connection.

 (personally, I appreciate silence when it is truly the answer. Silence would've saved me about $1500 recently) 

Currently listening to Love Changes, by Mother's Finest

19 July 2023

Note To Self


Everybody is a genius in his or her own way. Everybody is unique in what they have to learn and what they have to offer. But when you judge yourself using the wrong criteria, you might believe you’re not good at what you do, you’re unsuccessful or even stupid. The key trick is to discover the right criteria to judge yourself upon. You will then discover, you are indeed a genius.

13 July 2023

Bilal - Soul Sista

To myself.

This is a post only I will see.  

I don't mean to write to myself, but I've no one to talk to, and blogging is a way to satisfy my creative side, and create a record. Sometimes someone will say something that will remind me of a post I made once, and I'll send it to them. Blogging is a habit I tried to break a few times. During covid I stopped blogging ( no one knew I stopped because no one asked me why I had stopped) but I started again recently. 

Like I said, I'm blogging to myself. I will sometimes send posts to some friends, and they always compliment them or send heart or like emojis. A few even said they didn't know I was blogging ( despite the fact that alot of my facebook posts in the past have been from my blogs), and with each blog post I ask people to follow me, yet over the years the number of followers have remained at 98- all of which are bots. The few actual humans who followed me in the past have all gave up on blogging.  I'm a short story writer too, but blogging is easier and quicker. An idea can pop in my head, and I can write it up and publish it right away. Even though no one will see it, unless I forward it to them. I cannot count the number of people who have DM'd me telling me that something I had sent to them inspired them or the blog I sent to them was something they really needed to read that day, yet they haven't subscribed to the blog. 

Again, I don't mean to write to myself, but...like I said above.  I was about to say that I'll stop again and just focus on completing my short stories, but I know I won't. 

Like I said, I know I'm writing to myself. 

currently listening to Got To Give It Up, by Marvin Gaye

03 July 2023

Embracing Imperfections: How Cracks Illuminate Our Lives-Note to self


In our quest for perfection, we often fail to recognize the beauty that lies within imperfections. A powerful quote by Leonard Cohen, "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in," reminds us that even our flaws can serve as doorways to new opportunities and growth. This blog post delves into the concept of embracing cracks in our lives and how these cracks often allow light to illuminate our journeys towards self-discovery and resilience.

1. Recognizing Imperfections:

Human nature predisposes us to seek perfection, constantly striving to smooth out the rough edges of our lives. But what if we were to view imperfections as something valuable, rather than burdensome? Cohen's quote teaches us to recognize that every crack, every flaw, is an invitation for growth and evolution.

2. Opening Doors to New Perspectives:

Cracks in our lives often serve as catalysts for change and profound transformation. When we experience failure, heartache, or disappointment, those moments create cracks within ourselves, leaving us vulnerable. In this vulnerability, we find unique opportunities for learning, understanding, and resilience. The light of wisdom and insight seeps through these openings, illuminating new perspectives we would have otherwise overlooked.

3. Seeking Authenticity:

Perfection can be a mask that conceals our true selves. However, it is through our vulnerabilities and cracks that we connect with our authentic selves. Our imperfections make us relatable, fostering genuine connections and allowing others to see the beauty in their own flaws. These cracks become the source of our empathy, strength, and individuality.

4. Catalyzing Creativity:

Creativity has often emerged from the unlikeliest of places. Similarly, the presence of cracks in our lives sparks our creative energy. When things don't go according to plan, we are forced to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions. Cracks remind us to embrace spontaneity, think creatively, and explore uncharted territories of our own potential.

5. Embracing Resilience:

Cracks demonstrate resilience in action. They remind us of our capacity to bounce back, heal, and grow stronger through adversity. Within the darkness that surrounds cracks, light filters through, guiding us towards hope, strength, and renewed purpose. By accepting these imperfections, we become fortified against future challenges, ready to face life's uncertainties head-on.

6. Cultivating Gratitude:

Cracks also serve as powerful reminders of what we often take for granted—the blessings and abundance that exist within our lives. When the light shines through the cracks, we gain a renewed appreciation for the things we may have overlooked, reminding us to be grateful for each precious moment.


Leonard Cohen's timeless quote gifts us with an invaluable perspective on life's imperfections. Embracing the cracks allows us to reach greater heights by accepting who we are, seeking new possibilities, fostering creativity, embracing our resilience, and cultivating gratitude. So, let us embrace our imperfections, for it is through these very cracks that the light of our authentic selves shines forth.

currently listening to You Don't Have to Be a Star, by Billy Davis Jr and Marilyn McCoo

A vibe.


currently listening to To Summer, From Cole - Audio Hug

Currenty listening 

26 June 2023

The One You Don't See Coming

Good morning!

 Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones  who don't.

Have a great week!

currently listening to Forever In My Life (Live In Utrecht - 2020 Remaster) by Prince

follow me @ https://soultight.blogspot.com/

25 June 2023

Now Available!

 My short story, on Amazon Kindle

The Way Out Is Through 

Click here to download 

follow me at https://soultight.blogspot.com/

24 June 2023

-let me know

 I looked for you today.

After I left the barbershop I went to a coffeeshop with my knapsack. I working on the climax of a short story I'm writing and I need to write every thought I had in my head  to see what would work). A friend suggested I start going to new places regularly, so I went to the coffee shop around the corner from me, but it was packed. There was no seating and there was a line of people waiting for their orders and waiting to place orders, so I left. 

I looked for you today.

There's a Starbucks in the Hyatt Regency around the corner from me. In the past I have stopped by there on my way home from the barbershop, so today I stopped by there, got my coffee and sat down. There were people there, coming and going. I pulled out my pen, pad and headphones, but thought that headphones might keep people from approaching me, so I left the headphones on the table and and my writing.  I saw no one that caught my interest and about 90 minutes later, I packed up and left. Then I remembered a friend from Minneapolis likes a particular coffee shop on Prospect St called Collectivo, and I went there and did the same thing.  I saw no one that caught my interest and about an hour later, I packed up and left. I know I probably will need to go these places regularly. 

I looked for you today.

I was hungry and a Korean restaurant was a block away from Collectivo. I had always wanted to try their food, so I went there. It was empty. I discovered after I was seated that it had only been open for 3 minutes. So I ate my meal and I left. 

I looked for you today.

I went to Liliput Records for some Vinyl. I'm looking for house music and some dembo. I found some great dance music and I paid for my purchase and I left.

I looked for you today.

It was a beautiful day so I needed a reason to stay outside but I couldn't find a reason, so I went to the gym. 

I looked for you today.

After I left the gym I went home, showered, changed clothes, and I went to Milwaukee Public Market, got some clam chowder and a beer and I went outside and people watched. Then about an hour later left. I went home and took a nap. 

I looked for you today.

I'd like to think you were looking for me too. Please let me know where you are so that I can find you.

It's 10 pm on a saturday night and I am home, with no plans. 


Tomorrow I'll be at church though. Will you be there?

currently listening to I Wish U Heaven, by Prince

23 June 2023

Now Available!

My short story, on Amazon Kindle

The Beginning and The End Of Everything 

Click here to download 

follow me @ https://soultight.blogspot.com/



Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que fui a bailar. Me avergüenza admitir que han pasado años. Incluso si no tengo a nadie con quien bailar, necesito encontrar un club de baile donde pueda escuchar esta música. Sin embargo, lo más probable es que no en Milwaukee. Pero estaré en Nueva York a finales de julio. Tal vez ahí.

When All Is Said and Done- Note to Self

Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. While you may experience more positivity than you could have ever imagined, it's important to recognize that any negative experiences are equally valid. Cherish the moments that fall in-between, as they are part of life's journey and will continue to shape who you are.
When all is said and done, it is the love you showed others and the work you accomplished that will remain.

 Remember to give yourself the kindness you deserve and listen to the voice within that inspires you to be the best version of yourself. While the world can be harsh, it's crucial to hold onto the softness and gentleness in your heart. In the end, being kind and expressing love are more than enough.

currently listening to Starfish and Coffee, by Prince

22 June 2023

Don't waste my time.


                   If you can't play the part, don't audition for the role.

currently listening to Change of Heart, by Change

I'm going to set this down right here.


Whomever you're important to...

  • Will look for you.
  • Will check in on you.
  • Will call you.
  • Will text you.

Currently listening to Precious, by Angela Winbush

20 June 2023

Wearing Out Vs Rusting Out; Embracing Life's Challenges

 Theodore Roosevelt once said, "We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out." This powerful quote is a reminder that we have a choice on how we live our lives and if we want to make the most of our time on this earth, or simply fade away.

Roosevelt was a man with a lot of energy and drive. He lived life to the fullest and accomplished great things. His quote encourages us to do the same. Whether we're working, exercising, or pursuing our passions, we should put our all into everything we do. We should strive to wear out rather than rust out.

When we wear out, we're using our physical and mental strengths to their fullest potential. We're pushing ourselves to the limit, taking risks, and embracing challenges. Wearing out means that we're exploring our true potential and not allowing fear or laziness to hold us back. Whether it's trying something new, stepping outside of our comfort zone, or pursuing a new opportunity, we should always choose to wear out rather than rust out.

So what can we do to ensure that we're wearing out? Firstly, we must set goals and push ourselves towards them. This could be anything from learning a new hobby, running a marathon, or starting a new business venture. We must also challenge ourselves daily and step outside of our comfort zones regularly. This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a morning jog, or reaching out to a new connection.

Above all, we must commit to living a full and active life. Making the choice to wear out means making the most of the time we have, taking risks, and embracing challenges. By doing so, we can push ourselves to greater heights and achieve our dreams. So let's wear out instead of rust out, and live life to its fullest potential.


currently listening to Get Involved, by Raphael Saadiq ft Q-Tip

follow me @ https://soultight.blogspot.com/


 Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.-

-author unknown

My Godson Emmanuel

Currently listening to Cloreen Bacon Skin by Prince


 It's difficult at times, but I have to remind myself (and I have to say it out loud) that:

  1. I am worthy of love and respect.
  2. I am beautiful inside and out ( this is perhaps the hardest; I don't find myself considerably attractive so I try to make sure the beauty that is in me is strong enough to make up for what look like on the outside).
  3. I am enough just as I am.
  4. I radiate love and positivity.
  5. I trust myself and my instincts.
  6. My heart is open and receptive to love.
  7. I deserve to be happy and fulfilled. 
  8. I am confident in my own skin (this is the easiest- looking at my brown skin makes me smile).
  9. I choose love over fear.
  10. I am grateful for my unique qualities.
  11. I treat myself with kindness and compassion. 
  12. I am deserving of all the love, joy, and abundance in the world. - Lord, if you're listening...
  13. I am constantly growing and evolving.
  14. My worth is not defined by external factors.
  15. I am my own best friend and advocate.
  16. I am worthy of my own time and attention. 
  17. I trust the path of my life and know that everything happens for a reason.

currently listening to Tell me, by Groove Theory

follow me @ https://soultight.blogspot.com/

19 June 2023

Note to Self

 Every experience in my life is an opportunity for growth and learning.

Hope you have a blessed week!

currently listening to Crush, by Yuna, featuring Usher

follow me @ https://soultight.blogspot.com/

18 June 2023

The truth

 Sometimes the truth is scarier.


currently listening to Human Behaviour, by Bjork

Reading: Not With Laughter, by Langston Hughes

 I just completed reading this book, by one of my favorite poets,

  Langston Hughes

        "Not Without Laughter" is a powerful exploration of African American life in the early 20th century. Through the story of a young boy named Sandy, Hughes examines themes of identity, family, and community, offering a vivid portrait of a world that is both unique and universal.

        At its core, "Not Without Laughter" is a coming-of-age story that follows Sandy as he navigates the challenges of growing up in a world that is often hostile to people of color. Sandy's journey is a deeply personal one, but it is also representative of the experiences of countless African Americans who were coming of age during this time period.

        One of the most striking aspects of the novel is the way in which Hughes portrays the complex dynamics of African American families. Sandy's mother, Annjee, is a hardworking woman who is determined to provide for her family, but she is also deeply conflicted about her role as a mother. She is often distant and preoccupied, leaving Sandy to fend for himself. Despite this, Sandy loves his mother deeply and is fiercely loyal to her.

        Sandy's relationship with his grandmother, Hager, is similarly complicated. Hager is a deeply religious woman who has strong opinions about how Sandy should be raised. She is often critical of Annjee, and she sees herself as the moral center of the family. Despite their disagreements, however, Sandy and Hager share a deep bond, and Hager serves as a source of strength and guidance for him throughout the novel.

        Through these and other characters, Hughes paints a rich and complex portrait of African American family life, showing how these relationships can be both sources of support and of tension.

        Another central theme of the novel is the importance of community. Throughout the book, Sandy is surrounded by a network of people who offer him guidance and support. From the members of his church to the teachers at his school, Sandy is constantly reminded that he is part of something larger than himself.

        This sense of community is particularly important given the many challenges that Sandy faces. He is often subjected to racism and discrimination, and he must navigate a world that is often hostile to people of color. Despite this, however, Sandy remains resilient and hopeful, buoyed by the knowledge that he is not alone in his struggles.

        Ultimately, "Not Without Laughter" is a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit. Through Sandy's story, Hughes offers a vivid and compelling portrait of African American life during this time period, showing both the challenges and opportunities that existed for people of color. By the end of the novel, I was left with a sense of hope and possibility, and a renewed appreciation for the power of community and the importance of family.

currently listening to Brotha, by Angie Stone

17 June 2023


About 25 years ago, a friend was a hardcore fan of house music and the first DJ he told me about was DJ Miles Maeda, and at a club in Madison, he requested the first song on this Cd. It was love at first listen to that song but the entire cd, which I still have and play. 

16 June 2023

I'll surprise myself

 If we could only unlock our true potential, there would be no limit to what we could achieve and the heights we could reach. 


currently listening to It's All About Me (Official Music Video) Mya, featuring Dru Hill

We all win


The peace we win when we stop fighting.

currently listening to Uh oh it's love, by Om'mas Keith

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Note to self

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15 June 2023

Choosing Happiness: A Life Practice of Carrying Beauty

 Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer describes her practice of carrying the world’s beauty with her in “Why I Smile At Strangers,” writing, “I carry these things in my heart, more certain than ever that one way to counteract evil is to ceaselessly honor what’s good…” In a world full of chaos, negativity, and pessimistic thinking, it's easy to forget about the beauty that surrounds us. But, as Trommer shows in her life practice, choosing to focus on positivity can change our perception of the world.

We all have the power to carry the world's beauty in our hearts. It's a simple practice that can bring joy, gratitude, and peace to our lives. We can choose to see the beauty in the world and honor it every day, no matter what challenges we face.

There are many ways we can carry the world's beauty with us, such as:

1. Practice gratitude: Take time every day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It could be something as simple as a warm cup of coffee or a kind gesture from someone.

2. Connect with nature: Spend time in nature, whether it's a walk in the park or a hiking trip. Take in the beauty of the natural world and allow it to fill you with peace and wonder.

3. Share kindness: Small acts of kindness can go a long way. Smile at a stranger, hold the door open for someone, or simply say please and thank you.

4. Celebrate diversity: Embrace the differences that make each of us unique. Learn about different cultures, try new foods, and make connections with people who are different from you.

5. Create beauty: Whether it's through art, music, or cooking, tap into your creativity and make something beautiful. Creating something with your own hands can be a powerful way to honor the beauty in the world.

In a world where negativity often reigns, it's important to remember that beauty still exists. We can all carry the world's beauty in our hearts and choose to honor what's good. By doing so, we can counteract evil, spread joy, and create a more positive world.


When I think of beauty, Halle Berry always appears.

currently listening to Beautiful Things (Sweet But Groove Mix) by Bahamadia & Dwele

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Halle Berry And Angelina Jolie To Star In Action Thriller Maude Vs Maude

I'll  be there, opening weekend. 

Question/Note to Self

 Note to Self: 

Does it actually lighten someone else’s suffering when we sacrifice our own joy?

It can be a complicated question and the answer depends on the situation. Sacrificing our own joy to help someone in pain or despair can certainly have a positive impact on their well-being. For example, comforting a grieving friend or family member during a difficult time might require us to sacrifice some of our own happiness or energy to support them, but it can certainly make a positive contribution to their emotional health.

However, it is also important to recognize that sacrificing our own joy and well-being should not be a constant, long-term solution to another's suffering. Repeatedly ignoring our own needs in favor of helping others can lead to feelings of resentment, burnout, and bitterness. It is important to strike a balance between caring for ourselves and community support. 

Additionally, it might be helpful to identify when sacrificing our own joy would be appropriate and when taking self-care measures is the way to go, for the long-term benefits of our own welfare and mental health.

currently listening to Footsteps in the Dark, Pts. 1 & 2, by The Isley Brothers

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Why Introverts Hate Small Talk | The Matt Walsh Show Ep. 71

This is me, 100%

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14 June 2023

On being economical















currently listening to Do Your Thing, by Isaac Hayes

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The Art of Appreciation: Finding Joy in Life's Simple Pleasures (Note to Self)

 In a world that seems to be moving faster than ever, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. We often forget to stop and appreciate the small things that happen around us; things that can bring us joy and remind us that life doesn't have to be so complicated.

For many people, it’s the simple things in life that bring them the most happiness. A warm embrace from a loved one, the sound of birds chirping in the morning, the smell of fresh coffee brewing, the touch of a cool breeze on your skin, a hearty laugh with friends... These are all small things that we may take for granted, but they have the power to significantly impact our mood and lift our spirits.

So how can we learn to appreciate the little things in life? Here are a few tips:

1. Slow down and be present: With so many distractions around us, it can be hard to focus on the present moment and take in all the details of our surroundings. Try to take a break from your phone or laptop every now and then, put your worries aside, and just be in the present moment. Take a deep breath and soak in all the small details around you.

2. Practice gratitude: Taking time to reflect on what you are grateful for is an excellent way to appreciate the little things in life. Every day, take a few minutes to reflect on what you're thankful for and how it brings joy and positivity to your life.

3. Find joy in the simple things: Finding joy in the most basic things can be deeply satisfying. It could be something as trivial as a playful game with your pet, watching the sunset, a walk in nature, or even reading a book by your favorite author.

4. Create new experiences: Trying out new experiences can ignite a renewed sense of appreciation for the small things in life. You could take up new hobbies, visit new places, try new foods, or even just rearrange your living room to create a fresh look.

The biggest takeaway here is that happiness isn't found in material possessions or lavish lifestyles, but rather in the little moments that make life worth living. When we learn how to pay attention, appreciate, and cherish these small things, we can constantly find new sources of joy and purpose in our lives. So, take a step back, observe, reflect, and appreciate the little things in your life.

currently listening to Simple Pleasures, by Karyn White

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13 June 2023

The prepositions

 as of 2021, there are 7.888 billion people on planet Earth.

I should be able to find love somewhere on this planet, right? 

Under what rock over what bridge around what corner through what tunnel along what highway in what church by what car behind what group of people at what music festival  in front of what grocery store up which elevator to what floor of which job or restaurant through which friend can she be found? 

I'm getting old. And I'm tired.

currently listening to When love calls, by Sharon Bryant

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Acerca de la vida

La vida enseña; usted es el estudiante y el maestro.

- autor desconocido.

 currently listening to Precious, by Angela Winbush

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10 June 2023

Power of Resilience: How to Build Coping Skills for Life's Challenges


Rodrigo: "Hey! How are you doing, Selena?"

Selena: "Honestly, not too great. I feel like everything is falling apart, and I'm struggling to stay afloat during this crisis."

Rodrigo: "I'm sorry to hear that. What's been going on?"

Selena: "Between work, family, and everything else, I can feel myself getting burnt out. It's like I'm just one step away from a breakdown."

Rodrigo: "It can be really challenging to deal with so much stress and uncertainty. But, there are things you can do to strengthen your resilience and cope better in crisis situations."

Selena: "Really? Like what?"

Rodrigo: "Well, first of all, it's important to practice self-care. Make sure to take breaks when you need them, prioritize sleep, eat well, and exercise. These actions are fundamental to help keep you healthy so that you can handle stressful experiences."

Selena: "That's a great idea! What else?"

Rodrigo: "You can also practice positive thinking and mindfulness. Focus on gratitude, celebrate small successes, and cultivate compassion and kindness for yourself. These strategies can help you feel more optimistic and manage your mental health."

Selena: "I see what you mean. How can you strengthen your coping skills beyond these strategies?"

Rodrigo: "It's also a good idea to create a support network of family, friends, or a professional to call on in times of crisis. Talking with others about your troubles or worries helps you to gain a new perspective and better resolve issues."

Selena: "Thanks, I think it's all coming together. It's unbelievable how talking with someone else can make things feel much less serious, reassuring, but impactful."

Rodrigo: "Exactly, remember that practicing resilience is a process and can be established over time with conviction and practice. You cannot thrive without process - so look after yourself, celebrate your small wins, and let these coping mechanisms unlock your potential even during hardship. Building this resilience means strengthening yourself when needed the most."

Selena: "Thanks Rodrigo! With your advice, I feel so much less alone, capable, and better armed."


currently listening to My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) by En Vogue

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09 June 2023

My 2nd act

When I was younger, I excelled academically and had a particular talent for English, Science, History, and Voice. I was also quite confident in my math abilities, having passed all of the Algebra and Geometry courses in 7th grade. I aspired to become an Architect, having developed a fascination for historic buildings in Memphis, Chicago, Boston, and Minneapolis. I often daydreamed about designing my dream home and still have the first floor plan that I drew.

Understanding that I needed to have a strong math foundation to pursue Architecture, I consulted with my guidance counselor to explore taking Trigonometry and Calculus courses early. However, I was shocked and disheartened by her response. She had told me that I wasn't going to succeed and ought not to take on more math courses, suggesting that I consider an alternative career path in business.

With my self-esteem already low, I didn't tell my mother what had transpired until years later. Looking back, I realize that had my self-esteem been higher, I would have been infuriated by the counselor's words and immediately sought out my mother's council. She would have given me the confidence I needed, encouraged me to pursue my dreams, and gone to the school the next day to advocate on my behalf. Even now, at sixty years old, I regret not sharing this experience with my mother. However, I now know that it's never too late to revisit old aspirations, whether through taking courses or exploring new hobbies to feed my interest in Architecture.

I'm currently looking for introduction to architecure courses that I can take in the evenings at a small college. Then additional evening courses.  I haven't figured out how to make a living while taking all the necessary courses, but I'll take it one course at a time.  Wish me luck!  

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