07 January 2020

What I've started

I've started treating people the exact same way that they treat me.

I'm sure this will disappoint more people than it will please.
In their mind,
this may also end friendships that they have already ended

 by their initial silence

and inaction.

03 January 2020

au revoir

To let go of that which no longer serves you. But through the act of letting go, we find our freedom. And that freedom is beautiful.

“May the petals teach me the art of letting go.” - Xan Oku.

Lisa Stansfield - All Around the World (Official Video)

That awkward moment

When a friend tells me he loves my facebook posts and pics of my desserts (though he never comments on them) and he knows baking is my side hustle, and he asks how my business is doing, and I tell him;
"it's not."

He looks confused, and he asks why.

I tell him, "because people are liking pics of my desserts but no one is buying anything."
