31 October 2013



                                  As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.

                                                                                          --Joan Baez



                         You drown not by falling into a river, but by standing submerged in it.

                                                                               --Paulo Coelho

30 October 2013

Joyeux Halloween !

Per a friend's Facebook status today-

Ok, I'm a Democrat but this is a good one... One of my buddies comes into the office today and says he's going to dress up as a Democrat tomorrow night for Halloween. He said, when the trick or treater's come to his door he's going to take candy out of their bags and give it to his kids who aren't doing anything... LOL

 My response was that I should come as a republican and go into the poor neighborhoods and take candy from the poor kids and the disabled and give to the rich who think that what they have is still not enough, insisting that I keep returning to the poor neighborhoods to get even more candy."                                                                      He and his Democrats liked my response. The Republicans-not so much.

29 October 2013

Something I didn't know last week

Dr. Huey P. Newton (Co-founder of the Black Panther Party) had a PhD in Social Science.

Huey P. Newton transferred to California State University Santa Cruz and achieved his PhD. in Social Philosophy. Dr. Newton's father had been a member of the NAACP and named his son after Huey P. Long, a radical politician. It was befitting of Dr. Newton to establish such a program.

You're here

When you came into this world, you tumbled in head first. All arms and legs, looking everywhere. Moving everywhere. You went where your eyes and ears took you. And little by little, you became you. You found tools to satisfy your curiosity, because you wanted to see more and do more. And there was something to be found in everything. And little by little it changed. People told you things. Where to go, what to do, what not to do. Little by little the world started to feel smaller. Only, it isn't. You're still here and you're still you. The horizons haven't gone anywhere and the tools you need are right here. So you can throw yourself at the world head first - again.

25 October 2013

24 October 2013

It's freeing

                        I have stopped caring what people think about stupid things.
                         It's freeing.

23 October 2013

If only

                      you could go back in time to make one change in your life,  to take a different path, would you?  If no, why?

On being of value

                                                        Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

-Albert Einstein

I can never see too many pictures of black fathers spending quality time with their sons. I don't see this in Oregon. Unless I go to church.

-Left Eye

I'm not gonna complain

The mornings  and late nights feel like autumn  but the afternoons and evenings are like summer. I'm not gonna complain. I'm gonna savor every minute of my afternoons and evenings outside. It's usually cloudy and rainy from October 1 through June  in Portland, but it's been sunny and blue skies here for weeks.  I've been in a great mood every day. If only this climate could extend through to June-when the summer weather starts.  Or to my birthday in early November

06 October 2013

Question of the day

It scares me.

How do you know if you're living the life you're supposed to live, or the life that just happened to you?

Just a thought

It’s difficult to get someone to understand your point of view when they are determined to be the victim.
I learned this today.
I'm so naïve. When person was arguing about her actual hatred for another family member,  I had convinced myself that all I had to do was inform person about how her actions hurt the family member's feelings, and that they would feel bad, and then say they would go to the family member to apologize. I was so wrong. All she did was twist what actually happened, to fit her feeling victimized. This is what she does.
I give up being the peace maker, or the healer. And the person that she vents to.  It seemed as if that was my job, but I quit.