17 May 2019


Thanks for the punishment.

The tower that symbolized the sin of human arrogance rose in Babylon, the cursed city known in the Bible as “harlot and mother of all harlots.”

Heavens wrath did not delay: God condemned Babylonians to speak in many tongues so no one would ever understand them, and the tower was left half-finished for all time.

According to the ancient Hebrews, the flowering of human languages was divine punishment.

Perhaps, but in His desire to rebuke, God saved us from the boredom of a single tongue.
-Eduardo Galeano

16 May 2019

Mechanická hlava na Národní třídě - Franz Kafka

Gigantická mechanická hlava France Kafky od Davida Černého umístěna na národní třídě za obchodním centrem Quadrio. Mechanická hlava měří 11 metrů a investor údajně zaplatil 30 mil. korun.
Mechanical gigantic head of Franz Kafka located near National street in Prague. Shopping centre Quadrio.

I can not wait to go to see this in person, along with seeing the Kafka Museum, in Prague. One day...!

Franz Kafka is one of my favorite novelists.

14 May 2019

"Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance."                                              --Kurt Vonnegut

Working hard to be the best at what you do is only half the battle. The harder part is keeping it up, and  maintaining it --alexgeorge

Are you doing any maintaining?

Michael Jackson / Bryan Loren - All Songs

Tamia - Leave It Smokin'

I am me.

I shall stay the way I am because I do not give a damn.
--Dorothy Parker

currently listening to: That Magic, by India Arie

08 May 2019



this is a repost

01 May 2019

Learning from the Dead

His arms were
where he left them.
Not in defense of self,
Doing what he loved
while dying.

The right hand gripping a big stainless steel spoon
Stirring a pot of collard greens
The air filled with the aroma of smoked ham hocks spaghetti sauce turkey and dressing sweet potato pies hot and fresh out the oven
His daughter, granddaughter, and me, his grandson,
Our mouths having been watered
Since before we even made the 65 mile trek to his Chicago home .
I’ve learned from the dead.
From him now.
In the presence of suits form-fitting black dresses matching wide-brimmed black hats white handkerchiefs and tears
I remember a homeless woman with two little children in tow
Making herself known
Speaking kindly of him
In his coffin
She (and her kids)
having been fed
anytime they were hungry.
By him;
I learned more about him dead

Wanting to be like him-


-- by alexgeorge