29 April 2019

A Union

Life was alone, no name, no memory. It had hands, but no one to
touch. It had a tongue, but no one to talk to. Life was one, and one was
Then desire drew his bow. The arrow of desire split life down the
middle, and life was two.
When they caught sight of each other, they laughed. When they touched each other,
they laughed again.
- Eduardo Galeano

All the Way Home (1957) | When A Black Family Moves Next Door

23 April 2019

loving u is like a revolution

(within me

                          ) a change
i can feel
but i can’t see
a movement
a revival of sorts;
slowly bringing back to life something I thought was dead
or unused for so long that it had closed up

loving you is like a revolution
a spinning around in my head
a new heart
to replace the old one that had hardened
from prolonged exposure to the cold, lies, bullshit, and the lack of appreciation.
and suddenly I’m loving what I used to hate
and hating what I used to love
I don’t care that I’m wearing clothes I don’t like, obviously,
or spending hours with you at the mall
or going to your church
because I’m with you and loving you.
what am I doing,
and who is this person that made this new change?
this is not like me;
what is happening?
I know what it is….

I’m being loved and cherished and appreciated and respected in return!



On Doing You

If there are people in your life that continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, are too judgmental, have different values, and don't have a shoulder to cry on during difficult times...that is not a friend.
To have a friend, be a friend. Sometimes in life as you grow, your friends will either grow or go.
Surround yourself with people who reflect your values, goals, interests and lifestyle.
When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to God from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and friends that enrich my life.
Over the years my address book has changed because I changed for the better.
At first you think that you are going to be alone, but after a while new people show up in your life that make your life so much sweeter and easier to endure.
Remember the expression, "Birds of a feather flock together."
If you're an eagle, don't hang around chickens:
Chickens Can't Fly!

~ author unknown ~

14 April 2019

Universe Be Like

Yo I heard you like growth
so I put some challenges on top of your
challenges so you can grow from your
challenges while you grow from your

13 April 2019

the conversation

my conversation with God every night consists of asking for forgiveness if I've said/thought/did anything that wasn't pleasing unto Him.

each morning is a blessing, and since tomorrow isn't promised to us, i cannot go to sleep without thanking Him for letting me see and survive another day.

Good night people!

Björk - I See Who You Are

04 April 2019

Tao Te Ching Thirty-Six

If you want to shrink something,
you must first allow it to expand.
If you want to get rid of something,
you must first allow it to flourish.
If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given.
This is called the subtle perception
of the way things are.

The Tao Te Ching was written by Lao-Tzu translation by S. Mitchell

True dat

If there's something you want to do you will find a way. If there's something you don't want to do, you'll find an excuse.

--Jim Rohn

01 April 2019

on love being a verb

some people say they love you but don't show it. 
some people don't say they love you but their actions show it.

 i would rather hear the words and see the action behind it, 
but between the two,

 i would rather see the action.  
don't say you love me. 
just do it.