26 June 2015


I'm trying to figure out how to not give a fuck anymore. 

 Any advice on how to accomplish this? Any advice on not caring?

19 June 2015

The Greener Grass Syndrome

“If you have determined to go to Egypt and make

that your home, then the very wars you fear will catch
up with you in Egypt and the starvation you dread
will track you down in Egypt. You will die there!”
Jeremiah 42.15-16
This morning a friend called. I hadn't heard from her in a long time, and so, in trying to catch up with what's been going in our lives since we last spoke, I let her speak first. Everything she said  made me feel like anything I had to say would have sounded more like whining, so while listening to her I just said to myself : thank God for the issues I  have, because they're nothing in comparison to what she's dealing with, so I'm going to shut up and not even complain--
Most often, the issues other people have are worse than your own.

This is a repost.

Ben Westbeech - Something For The Weekend [OFFICIAL VIDEO HD]

16 June 2015

Note to self

if you're expecting the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you're fooling yourself. That's like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn't eat him.

Tom Misch - Sunshine

14 June 2015

Medicine for the Nightmare, The Way Out is Through, The Beginning and The End of Everything, and Transmission 011809

The Way Out Is Through
With the exception of  3 people I know, who downloaded all 4 of my novellas via Amazon Kindle, I had 400 other downloads, all of which came from Australia, France and the UK.
That's right. only 3 people in the United States. 

Anyway, I has googled 'how to increase downloads of amazon kindle", and I saw this article that said:
People like freebies, and they like “expensive” freebies.
If you won a car in a competition and had two choices – a $20,000 car for free, or a $2,000 car for free, which would you pick?
Prior to this promotional period, my book was $7.99. When it went “free” on the Kindle store, it said $7.99 FREE. This meant an $8 ‘discount’ during the free period, as opposed to books which were normally 99c, and are then free during promotion (99c discount).
This, of course, doesn’t mean my book is better than anyone else’s which is lower priced: but it gives the impression of a larger discount. I suspect this increased the number of downloads.
- See more at: http://www.seanogle.com/entrepreneurship/increase-amazon-kindle-book-sales#sthash.HdA4gGJ3.dpuf

So I increased the price from $2.99 to $5.00. Hopefully this will help increase sales.  wish me luck!

Note to self

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Proverbs 19:17

10 June 2015


If you're lucky enough to have love knock on your door, I wouldn't ask alot of questions.

--Bill Maher

09 June 2015


Before I find it, I devote my life looking for it.

And when I finally find it, I devote my life living for it.

Quote of the day

The difference between haterade and gatorade is that one fills you up, and the other makes you thirsty.

08 June 2015

Do you know the difference?

Some people enter your life and are permanent. Others are just passing through. Know the difference.

 Do you know the difference?

07 June 2015

The 3 things

what 3 things do Madonna, Michael Jackson and Prince have in common?

They were all born and raised in the Midwest. Michael Jackson from Indiana, Madonna from Michigan, and Prince from Minnesota.

They were 80s  music icons with the biggest hits of their careers in that decade.

And they were all born in 1958.

Happy Birthday, Prince!

02 June 2015

Adding & Subtracting

Some friendships grow stronger, and some friendships dwindle to the point where they don't exist anymore. While I appreciate the former, I always agonize over the latter, wondering what did I do that's causing me to have to chase after them, but then I remember the prayer I recite every now and then;

"Dear Lord,

Please add to my life, people who would be looking out for my welfare, and who can help me to be the person You and I want me to be, and please subtract from my life people who could care less if I lived or died.  Amen."

I don't worry anymore.

I'm taking solace in the fact that God is answering my prayers.  And I'm appreciating those friends I don't have to feel like I have to chase.