27 March 2020

En isolation

La tour Eiffel

Arc de Triomphe

Paris Opera House


City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said Thursday it is “shameful and shocking” that a shortage of safety gear at one Manhattan hospital forced desperate nurses to resort to wearing trash bags as protective gear as they treat coronavirus victims.   “It is insane than the wealthiest country in the world and in the wealthiest city in United States that our heroes that are in the front line, our health care workers, do not have all the personal protective equipment to protect themselves,” Johnson told CNN while referring to The Post’s front-page story about the stunning development at Mount Sinai West, near Columbus Circle.  “And to see those photos of nurses and doctors wearing garbage bags is shameful and shocking.” The stunning photo shared on social media shows three nurses at Mount Sinai West posing in a hallway while clad in large, black plastic trash bags fashioned into makeshift protective garb. One of them is even holding the open box of 20 Hefty “Strong” 33-gallon garbage bags they used to cloak themselves. Some have blamed the situation for the coronavirus death of a beloved colleague. “We need to protect these folks who are putting their lives on the line every single day away from their families, and we should have never been in this situation to begin with,” Johnson said. “We need a federal coordinated response to help us with the lack of personal protective equipment,” he added. “We need millions of N95 masks, millions of surgical masks, gloves and gowns and face shields and ventilators.”

- New York Post

The same normal

In the current Coronavirus era, where we're being asked to abide by stay-at-home rules implemented by the Governor, the president of the United States and healthcare professionals (and if you have common sense, you would do this anyway, for the health and safety of yourselves and those with whom you come in contact)  this doesn't change much of anything for me, socially. For example, this is Friday, and I'm sitting in front of the computer during working hours. Once 4:00 pm arrives, I'm going to log off.  Aside from going to the gym ( which I can't, in this era as all gyms are closed), I would go home and watch tv until I'm sleepy and I go to bed, like any other day. 

Just as if  coronavirus didn't exist.

People now complain alot about feeling lonely and isolated; this is the new normal for them, but being lonely is a way of life for me.

16 March 2020

The End Of Days?

It may be sooner than we think.

Countries are closing their borders.

States- Countries are closing bars and banning all social events.

Restaurants are only providing carry out or delivery.


The NBA, march madness, NHL closed for the season.

Churches, gyms are closed indefinitely.

Stocks have plummeted to its lowest level since... since ever.

Grocery store shelves are empty.

We are not to be within 6 feet of each other.

Around the world.

Are you prepared?  Are you ready?