31 July 2023

The Paradox of Perception: Seeing beyond the Good in People

In our daily encounters with others, it is natural to enter into interactions with a predisposition to see the good in people. The belief that everyone has inherent goodness is a beautiful sentiment, nurturing empathy and understanding. However, in the journey of self-preservation and growth, there are times when it becomes necessary to suspend this inclination and instead pay closer attention to what people show us. 

Seeing the Good:

As human beings, the desire to believe in the inherent goodness of others is deeply ingrained. This perspective offers comfort, building trust and fostering meaningful connections. Seeing the good in people enables us to approach relationships with an open heart, encouraging compassion and forgiveness. It allows us to build bridges of empathy and maintain a positive outlook on the world. Indeed, this optimistic outlook is a fundamentally noble characteristic of humanity.

The Need to See What's Shown:

However, it is essential to recognize that solely relying on assuming the good in people can be fraught with naivety and potentially lead to disappointment or even harm. By paying closer attention to what people show us in their actions, behaviors, and choices, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of who they truly are. This doesn't mean adopting a cynical or distrustful mindset, but rather practicing discernment and critical thinking.

Breaking the Illusion:

By stopping to solely focus on the good in people and instead observing what they reveal about themselves, we become more aware of inconsistencies and red flags that might have otherwise been glossed over. It allows us to see the true motivations, values, and intentions of others, painting a more accurate picture of the reality we are dealing with.

Integrity and Self-Preservation:

Acknowledging the value of seeing what people show us is not a call to be judgmental or intolerant. Rather, it is an invitation to align our perception and understanding with reality. Recognizing and accepting reality grants us the knowledge to protect ourselves, navigate relationships authentically, and establish healthy boundaries. In turn, it empowers us to make informed decisions based on fully knowing the individuals we encounter.

While it is undoubtedly beautiful and important to see the good in people, there are moments when we must temper our innate inclination and pay closer attention to what people show us. By embracing a balanced approach to perception, we can align our understanding of others with reality. This, in turn, enables us to safeguard our well-being, build authentic connections, and navigate relationships with a deeper sense of wisdom and discernment. True growth and self-preservation come from the ability to embrace both the light and the shadows that others reveal along their journey, allowing us to see people for who they truly are.

currently listening to:  Forever, For Always, For love , by Luther Vandross

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