20 April 2013

Proverbs 18:22

 Someone recently told me to give up on love, and that I was destined to be alone the rest of my life. That was the meanest thing I have ever heard. It bothered me for a couple days.  It really had me wondering if she knew what she was talking about. Then I realized that she was the last person who could give me any advice on love and relationships. Her first husband was a trifling-ass drunk, diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver (which didn't stop him from drinking like he was going to die tomorrow) and her second husband was an ex-con who she divorced after another stint in prison (he stole thousands of coins from newspaper vending machines to support a drug habit-the courts put a lien on her home and put him in prison since he couldn't afford to pay them) and then  she remarried him when he was released from prison and then divorced when he went to prison again for violating his parole (where he is currently, for breaking into a check cashing place with the assistance of a prostitute- he owed her money for 'services rendered'- her pimp demanded she be paid or they would tell his wife he was cheating on her).
God doesn't mean for me to be alone. I have decided to prove her wrong.

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