10 November 2013

Question of the day

Hazelnut Kahlua Cake with a splash of Tequila
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
-- Satchel Paige

                 I wouldn't mind being 35. There's so many things I would have done differently at that age, knowing what I know now. My closest friends today are the same ones that  were friends in my 20s and  early 30s, so the latter 30s through to 50 I would have no regrets having a do-over. Unfortunately, none are local. My best friend lives in Los Angeles, and all the rest live in the Midwest, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Sydney Australia. They have all called a few times. Every last one of them, wishing there were here to celebrate with me.

                 This is the eve of my 51st birthday, and between me, you, and God, I am not looking forward to it. Last year, my trip to Paris helped 50 arrive, but 51?  I'm home, having baked my own birthday cake. I already ate three slices. I made my own butter pecan ice cream.  I even posted on facebook a month ago and earlier this week, an update asking people to give me ideas of what to do for my birthday. That was a hint for at least one of the  90 + local fairweather friends to say something like ' hey let's go get some beers, or some lunch, or some dinner'  and only one person  responded and her response was 'not to go to Chuck E Cheese because the food sucked.' As if. So Friday I treated myself to dinner and drinks. Saturday I treated myself to lunch, a movie, dinner and drinks. This morning I went to a Packer bar to see the game, and I treated myself to  lunch, a Netflix movie. I went home and made for myself the type of meal my grandfather would have made for any holiday meal; I fried some cat fish, made some  macaroni & cheese, chittlins, collard greens, and corn bread (I have enough to last an entire week),  and I baked my own cake tonight. And made homemade butter pecan ice cream. And tomorrow, only because Facebook will notify people of my birthday, I will get birthday greetings, and people, especially the locals, will ask me what I did.



Dawna said...

If you made a birthday wish.. may all your dreams come true Alieux. One day..
I'm glad you treated yourself to the things you enjoy.. Happy b'day x

Daij said...

Thanks Dawna