19 April 2018

About words

I had a dream I was on top of a very tall building. I was nervous because I'm afraid of heights. I didn't want to be there. Behind me, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue, but I was being encouraged to walk in the opposite direction, towards  dark cloudy skies. As I approached the edge, voices I recognized, told me to close my eyes and to keep walking. They assured me it was going to be okay, just take a few steps.  And then I lost my balance and I fell backwards over the edge, and as my body raced towards the ground, I heard a friend say their job is to just say words and not be helpful. I was thinking that I didn't need words. Then I heard another familiar voice say "you're fast approaching the 13th floor. The 12th floor. The 9th floor.  We love you. We got you," and then my acceleration towards earth slowed down quickly and like a cat, I was able to stand upright, landing softly on my feet and I was able to walk away.  Then we got in a car. My cat Isaiah was curled up, next to a golden retriever, both asleep  on my blanket in the backseat. Suddenly, we were walking away from the building, and I remember thinking about someone who said their job was just to say words, and I looked up at the building, and it collapsed right in front of me- and I woke up suddenly. Suddenly there was no tall building. It was green grass for miles around, everywhere I looked around me. And the sky was blue and the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds. Then I woke up suddenly and I saw that my cat Isaiah was curled up, asleep at the foot of my bed. I wrote down everything I could remember about the dream, then I went back to sleep.

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