16 October 2012

In 1 word or 2,

How would you describe The President's debate performance tonight, and why?

My response is 'Aggressive', as in the opposite of the first debate. I also like that he brought up the 47% comment.  And, he didn't let Mitt Wrongney get away with sh*t.
My other word is 'Awake.' He didn't look sleepy. He looked alert. I was worried all day, but his performance made me smile. 
Am I alone in this?


EarthAngel172 said...

You're not alone! I loved how President Obama came out swinging. The "Mr. Me Too" references were CLASSIC. I also loved how he listed his accomplishments, his political plans and how he intended to accomplish them, his reference to his mother who was a single mother of two children, educated and did not raise her children to be violent, AK-47 toting heathens unlike the rest of us who need to just get married to solve the gang violence problem. (Can you tell he pissed me off with that response?)

I loved Obama's "We're all immigrants in the country!" comment too.

While I don't agree with President Obama on some issues and have at times been mad with him to the point of regretting voting for him (just being honest), I'll take him over Mittens any day.

Reggie said...


Wonder Man said...
