18 November 2012

One of the things I learned about Paris

 Parisians really are not nice (outside of the tourist areas), it's no stereotype. It's real.

The previous black woman caught me staring at her, and I couldn't look away. I was hypnotized, and she looked annoyed. Then she looked away in the opposite direction.  Three stops later she got up and walked over to me and said something in french, and when I tell her Je nes comprend pas Francais (I don't speak french), tu parle anglais ( do you speak english?) ? She asked me, in a british accent, why I was staring at her. I apologized and told her she was so gorgeous I couldn't look away even when I tried. 
Guess what she does?
She opens her wallet and gives me a picture of her and says, 'take a picture, it'll last longer.' Then she gets off at the next stop. 

I'll let you decide the word that fits her.