10 December 2012

Overheard on the train

Female 1 -"Technically it's not lying."

Female 2-"So does that mean you'll never have him meet me or the rest of the family? 'Cause I'm not lying for you.

Female 1-"Girl, you gotta keep this secret."

Female 2-"But you answered his ad. He said he wanted kids, and you ain't got no uterus. And you know why you ain't got no uterus, Felicia, formerly known as Reginald. You gotta tell him the truth.

Female 1 - "But can't I pretend to have a few miscarriages during the relationship, then convince him that we should try adoption?

( then they both got off the train)


Reggie said...

Why in the flapjack titty hell did the motherfucker's name have to be Reginald?!?

Daij said...


I love taking the train!