15 January 2014

i wonder.

almost everyone i know, who is in a relationship, is miserable most of the time. either they always seem near divorce or a breakup. it seems like- for every 5 minutes of happiness, they have 10 hours of anger, frustration and resentment, and here i am, fantasizing about a happily ever after. seeing them makes me wonder if I should just be happy alone.


Dawna said...

I have noticed that too. In fact, I find it a bit irritating hear some speak so negatively about something I visualize as being quite special and wonderful. I often want to say.. 'sort it out or shut up'. I've come to the conclusion that it is as they want it. So I no longer give it time.

Dawna said...

I have noticed that too. In fact, I find it a bit irritating hear some speak so negatively about something I visualize as being quite special and wonderful. I often want to say.. 'sort it out or shut up'. I've come to the conclusion that it is as they want it. So I no longer give it time.