19 January 2014

- I S M

I would rather not know if someone is a Christian because the more I get to know them, the more I prefer to hang with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Athiests- they tend to be more like Christ then some of the Christians I know. Recently I have witnessed and have heard of some horrible behavior by people who attend church every sunday and can recite Bible verses to fit any situation. It makes me sick to my stomach. I hate hypocrites and people who talk about doing right but constantly act wrong.

That was one of my holdouts when looking for love-  I was not flexible in that regard. Because I want to be able to attend church with my wife and kids I always said that she would need to be a Christian.   As of today, on my Match.com profile I decided she could be of any religion.
As long as  her character, her behaviour was similar to someone who was striving to be like Jesus Christ.

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