22 May 2014

Note to Self

A friend in Indianapolis once did me wrong and he asked for forgiveness a couple times. I never forgave him. It was something so insignificant I can't even remember what it was that he had done. One day, about 5 years later, he popped in my head. I decided it was time to forgive him, so I called his number. I didn't get an answer. So I called his mom. --She said he had died a week earlier from Hodgkins Lymphoma. I couldn't speak. I was sad, and pissed at myself that I let something so stupid, so minimal end a good friendship. Forever. He gave me three opportunities to accept his apology and I refused to forgive him. I learned my lesson- to forgive people even if they don't ask for forgiveness. You never know if the last time you see someone is indeed the last time.


Dawna said...

Sorry to hear of this, v sad indeed. You weren't to know. I find forgiveness hard at times. but sometimes it is difficult. we do our best
hope your weekend has been a good one

Dawna said...

Sorry to hear of this, v sad indeed. You weren't to know. I find forgiveness hard at times. but sometimes it is difficult. we do our best
hope your weekend has been a good one

Daij said...

Thanks. Hope your weekend was great. I'm glad the weekend is over with.