07 January 2015

Some people

some people will take you for granted because they know they can,
& some people will not return your calls or texts because they know they don't have to,
& some people  will stand you up because they know they can,
& some people will forget to include you when your group of friends get together to hang out because they know they can,
& some people will feign a sickness but will be tagged in facebook pics partying it up on the day they said they were sick  because they know they can,
& some people will ask you to bake cakes for parties that all of your mutual friends have been invited to and you haven't been invited because they know they can,
& some people will ask you to help them move but then forget to invite you to the housewarming party because they know they can.
& some friends will ask you for favor after favor after favor and then show up in town to hang out with other friends and post the trip on facebook and forget that you live there, because they know they can.

 some people will do whatever to you because they know you.

You won't say anything about it.

I happen to know this type of person.

It's me.

I need to be better at not caring if people think I'm nice and letting people know when they've pissed me off.

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