27 November 2009

My blog’s personality?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

Like some parents say about their kids, I would say that my blog is a reflection of my personality.

Earlier during the inception of this blog, I struggled with a friend’s accusation of my coming off sounding too preachy, that it might turn people off, and so, I considered not writing my blog. But other friends began emailing me, telling me they’ve become accustomed to reading things in my blog that would make them smile or laugh, or give them the spiritual recharge they needed, and they encouraged me to continue writing what was in my heart. Secular themes as well as non-secular themes.

I write the way I speak.

When I was a child, on three separate occasions, people have told my mother that I will be a preacher; first, a babysitter in Brooklyn NY, then years later a pastor in Racine, Wisconsin, then a few years later at that same church, a pastor who was a guest during a revival at our church, pointed to my mother in the crowd, telling her that her son (me) was going to be called to preach. As far I feel, I haven’t received that direct calling.

I’m a shy person. When I mention that to my best friend, he laughs. I have to agree with him when he corrects me and says I’m ‘situationally shy’; I approach the idea of meeting new people with a feeling of dread for fear of not being able to come up with the most interesting or unique thing to say initially or the funniest, or sharpest, response. I guess other people's opinions are very important to me ( I'm working on that).   If I am successful with my opening line, I then worry that I may not be able to follow up with more. Signs of encouragement is when I find someone with whom I have something in common, or someone that talks a lot. My best friend understands me. He knows me. He has seen me command conversations, but it takes certain situations to open me up.

I say all that to say, should I get that calling to preach, I will take it on. In the meantime, rather than stand in a pulpit, I’ll occasionally write what’s in my heart with the hope I can share a sad or frustrating moment that someone would read and know that those things just don’t happen to them, or to make someone smile or laugh, or feel good about themselves or at peace. I know that that’s what I would want to read. I have also searched through my blog for those very same things, whenever I needed a smile, a laugh, or to feel good about myself or to get some peace.

Should my mother happen to find my blog, I would want her to find something that applies to her. Should my 14 yr old nephew happen to find my blog, I would want him to find something that applies to him as well.

So that’s my blog’s personality.

It’s me.

What is your blog's personality? What message are you trying to convey?

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