10 December 2009

Quote of the day

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." -- Alexander The Great


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...
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Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Leadership is very important.

Jeff asks in thekingpin68 comments:

"Can a good Muslim be a good American?"

Daij said...

Interesting question. Initially I was going to say that all Muslims are not monolithic in their attitudes towards the United States because I happen to have at least 8 Muslim friends of all ethnicities that are very patriotic, but I 'googled' that very same question, and every response I saw, said 'no'. But I'm sure they can be good Americans. For example, 9-11 upset me as an American, and as a human being in general, and I know quite a few Muslims that were as upset as I was. They were also suddenly in fear for their lives because they knew they'd be accused of being sympathetic towards the people involved, which they were not. My friends wanted to kill Osama Bin Laden as much as George W Bush. I have Muslim friends that have in their home, American Flags on their living room walls beside their Islamic artwork. So, at least, the muslims I know, are patriotic. I would hate to put all of them in the same box.