14 May 2011

T.D Jakes Admonishes Rev. Franklin Graham for Questioning Pres. Obama’s Faith

Jakes tells Roland Martin that Graham needs to apologize to the president

*Coming off the success of his hit film “Jumping the Broom,” Bishop T. D. Jakes appears on TV One’s “Washington Week with Roland Martin” Sunday at 11am Eastern.

On the show, taped on Friday, host Roland Martin asked Bishop Jakes to respond to comments made by conservative preacher Franklin Graham:
Roland Martin: Rev. Franklin Graham has made some comments on several occasions as recently as three weeks ago really questioning, if you will, the faith of the President. He said the President has told him he’s a Christian, but he basically said that going to church does not make you a Christian. But the President is on record as saying that he walked down that aisle, he gave his life to Christ, so what do you say to folks like Rev. Graham who, frankly, are muddying the water but other people who are questioning the Christianity of this President?
Bishop T.D. Jakes: I find it insulting. We didn’t question the Christianity of President Bush when he said he accepted Christ, and I’m disappointed in Rev. Franklin Graham in that regard. I wish he had the diplomacy of his father, who brought the gospel to people without being nuanced by politics because when you do those things you offend people that you are actually called to save and to serve. And I would hope that he would see the rationale in apologizing for such statements – because if the President’s faith is suspect then all of our faiths are suspect, because the Bible is quite clear about what it takes to be saved and the President has been quite open about his accepting Christ and him openly confessing it before men. And if it’s good enough for the Bible it ought to be good enough for the rest of us.

--courtesy eurweb.com

It's good enough for me.


25champ said...

It seems like they want the pres to trip over his word...but he has said enuf already....

Daij said...

True. What The President says is good enough for me.