05 July 2011

Newsflash: 15th trimester abortions now legal in Florida !!!

After less than 11 hours of deliberation, a jury Tuesday found Casey Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder and the other most serious charges against her in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter.
But the jury convicted her on four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement officers.As the verdict was read, Casey Anthony cried from her seat in the courtroom, breathing deeply as she looked forward. She then hugged her defense attorney Jose Baez and other members of her defense team.

Orange County Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. set sentencing at 9 a.m. Thursday for Casey Anthony. She faces up to a year in jail on each of the charges of lying to police.

All 12 jurors in the case have declined to speak to the media, court spokeswoman Karen Levey told reporters. "They are just not interested," she said, adding their response was an "unequivocal no." Perry has barred the release of their names at this point, Levey said.

"There are no winners in this case," Baez told reporters after the verdict. "Caylee has passed on far, far too soon." He said his motivation for the last three years has been seeking justice for Caylee as well as Casey Anthony.
"Casey did not murder Caylee," he said. "It's that simple. And today, our system of justice has not dishonored her memory by a false conviction."

--courtesy, cnn.com

It's been said that all the above photos were taken while Caylee Anthony's body was decomposing. Would you be partying after your child 'disappeared'?

Wassup with florida (and texas, and arizona)?

wassup with justice?


Reggie said...

....and yet that child lays dead in it's grave.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

'It's been said that all the above photos were taken after Casey Anthony disappeared. Would you be partying after your child 'disappeared'?'

Very sad.

Daij said...

i know....sad

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Further, not to diminish the need for justice here and now at all, there is a dead body and a need for justice. But I was thinking as a Reformed Christian theologian I wanted to state I reason that this child and all children do not have adult deeds to be judged (Revelation 20:13) and therefore even with a sinful human nature will in spirit form in the case of premature death go to Paradise awaiting the resurrection of I Corinthians 15.


Daij said...

@ Dr Russ Murray, I agree with you

BigmacInPittsburgh said...

Well all I'll say is thank god it wasn't a woman of color on trial,because she would be on her way to death row.
As much as we don't want to believe there is a racial componet to this non-conviction!

25champ said...

smh :(

Daij said...

@BigMac, true. She'd be lynched, day one