11 November 2011


In January of this year I had planned on sitting at an outdoor cafe drinking espresso, in Paris, eating whatever the french eat for breakfast on 11/11/11, but  there's a saying about what happens while you're busy making plans. Life happens.  Anyway, plans were changed, and I'm spending it with my best friend in Berkeley California.
There's always next year, God-willing.

Today, I am 49 years old.  I thank God for letting me see this day. I only allow myself 5 minutes to feel old. Then I think of friends that died before they reached 35, and that point I feel grateful for seeing this age.
God has been really good to me.

I was told to make a wish today, at 11:11, and I'll do that. I'll wish the same things for which I pray about 5x a day or more. Guess what they are?


Reggie said...

Well brother you've got a little more than 2 years on me, even though my birthday isn't until February.

My wife would love to have had breakfast in Paris this morning. I might have done it, but I think she'd be a tad bit more charged about going than I would be. In any case, good luck and happy birthday my brother.

Kandia said...

Happy Belated Birthday...hope u enjoyed it. Paris is definitely on my list of places to go.

Daij said...

Thank you both, Kandia and Reggie! I had a great birthday. I got to spend it with my best friends, some old friends and made some new friends as well