16 August 2012

I'm talking about you

     What have you done for you lately?  If you're like me, you're busy making other people happy, all day long. What have you done for you lately? Sometimes you forget what you need. What have you done for you lately? Sometimes you put your needs on the back burner, planning to get to it when you get the time. What have you done for you lately?You never get the time and while others' needs are being fulfilled to the point where they're able to leave and venture out on their own, you're left feeling resentful because you've neglected yourself and you're angry because you might feel it's too late to go after your dreams.  What have you done for you lately? What I've learned is that there's nothing  wrong with focusing on my needs, on going after what I want.What have you done for you lately? I have learned that no one is going to treat me better than I treat myself, besides God, so, I ask, What have you done for you lately?

1 comment:

Reggie said...

Oh yeah, gotta look out for number one too.