12 March 2013

Spiraling up

Over the weekend I received a letter from an adoption specialist at the agency that received my records after the adoption agency that represented me had closed down: she seems excited about helping me discover my biological background. I called today and left a voicemail. I'm hoping that by helping me "discover my biological background", it means she will help me locate the woman who brought me into this world, my siblings ( I discovered I have an older sibling, don't know if it's a brother or sister), and perhaps my father. Hopefully I am one step closer, in this spiral, to discovering who I am.  If New York State didn't have sealed records laws, and if my mom wasn't so scared I'd not love her any more, I would have found out when I discovered I was adopted.


Reggie said...

Good luck my brother.

Reggie said...

Good luck my brother.

Daij said...

Thanks Reggie