10 September 2010

Black Americana (read between the lines)

-- from Soultight, by alexgeorge

I loved words even when I was a little boy. I know this is strange, but as a child, I used to read Webster's dictionary after I did my homework.  When I was 10, I had read it from cover to cover. 
Neither could my mother nor my english teacher explain to me , once I got to the prefix  black- why the definition was always negative,  but the definitions with the prefix white- were always positive. Hence, this poem I wrote when I was 11.


Gorgeous_Puddin said...

That was powerful and profound!!! And at 11 even more so! I love words and I read the dictionary too!!!!!!! When I see a new word I get excited to use it in a sentence! My latest was didactic. LOL!

Daij said...

I like that word! My current is cataclysmic

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

I like that word too!!!!

Hurricane Katrina was cataclysmic!
*smile at you* not about Katrina.

Daij said...

I heard that word on the radio this morning. TD Jakes was describing 9 11, and he talked about the origin of that word, and it stuck with me all day.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Well that was an appropriate word for 911. I LOVE T.D Jakes. I use to go to his conferences all the time. I have not attended anything in a few years the last was God's Leading Ladies. It was wonderful!!!
Anyway I came back for my word of the day it's proclivities. LOL!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!

Daij said...

lol mine is Ninevah. I know-strange. I had this bizarre dream last night where Halle Berry was mad at me for calling her Halle, and she kept telling me her name was Ninevah.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

That was bizarre. I looked it up and can't make the connection.

But upon reading it again maybe you should pray for her. The dictionary said at the height of it's importance Nineveh was destroyed by Babylonians and Mendes.
So if that's her name... *shrugs*

What do you think?

Daij said...

I suppose I should pray for her, lol

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

LOL! I guess you should. Do you believe God shows you things in dreams?

Daij said...

YES! i will never forget this. When I lived in Wisconsin, about 10years ago I was at work, and payday was 3 days away. I had $3 to my name, and my car was on 1/8 of a tank left-not enough to get to and from work and the gym. While working, I was praying to God that He stretches my gas so that I could make it to payday. I told it Him it would be nice if I had $10, that would tide me over until payday. This is no lie... about 30 minutes later, a coworker on the other side of the department, who I hardly knew, came over to my desk and said this; "Alieux, when I got up this morning you were on my mind. I think I must have dreamed about you or something because God put on my heart to give you $20. I don't know why. I just put it off and got ready for work, and I was at my desk, and He told me again, and I ignored Him, but I know He's going to bug me until I gave you this $20, so here." And she gave me $20. I was speechless. One of many testimonies I have, that lets me know there is a God, because this woman didn't know I needed that money, and that urgently. I just needed $10, and He blessed me with $20. I even tried to pay her back on payday, but she refused to take it. She said it wasn't a loan. God always looks out for His children.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

OMG That gave me chills. I totally believe you. I have had things like that happen to me too!!! And I 've been a blessing to people in much the same way. God has used me on numerous occasions to tell people things. I would be so scared!!! But I would keep having this feeling in the pit of my stomach until I told the person whatever it was God had for me to tell them.

That's where my church hurt comes from. I was able to freely let God use me at my old church but at the new church there was so much hate there I could't do anything. :(

Here's something funny!
Lately my scripture has been "God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory." I said that scripture earlier in the day and my friend/neighbor brought me a 2 liter Coke later that afternoon just because. She cracked up when I quoted that scripture to her. But I had just ran out of Coke. LOL!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Did you know that Nineveh is the ancient heathen city that God sent Jonah to tell them to turn from their wicked ways. Jonah disobeyed and was swallowed by the whale and ended up having to go to Nineveh anyway and tell the prophecy.

Halle saying she is Nineveh in your dream as me concerned.

I also read Nineveh is the Iraq of today. Go figure!

Sorry if I'm talking too much but once something gets in my head I have to investigate! LOL!

Daij said...

LOL I like people that talk alot! the background about Ninevah concerns me too. I have lots of really bizarre dreams, but that one caught me off guard because I never even heard of that word/name before I had that dream. Other symbols in my dreams have some memory of use in real life. One day, I'll have to tell you about a dream I had about a dober man pinscher-looking dog with wet green amphibious skin and had the face of a snake. For real.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

I look forward to it!*smile* Then I can tell you about the time I was at this job that I really wanted a promotion on and I didn't get the promotion. I was so sad. Then I dreamed about having to jump over black and white snakes at the office.

Daij said...

I have a personal quote about not getting the jobs I want: "Thank you God. You obviously have something better and more fitting in store for me." Prior to this job I was at a job I HATED. And I applied for internal jobs and was rejected every time, while friends with much less experience were getting promotions. That happened because God was wanting me to wait around for the job I have now. October 1 I will be at the best job I have ever had in my life for 3 years, while those friends ended up quitting or getting fired from those jobs that rejected me.

sorry for sounding preachy, if i do!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Not preachy at all!! That's actually a good quote! I'm always so disappointed, I need to adopt that quote for myself. It's another way to look at it.

today's word is sagacious

Daij is sagacious.

wise or shrewd: having or based on a profound knowledge and understanding of the world combined with intelligence and good judgment.