17 August 2011

Oops, I meant happy Deathday!

Clueless Bachmann Wishes Presley A Happy Birthday

“We played you a lit­tle bit of ‘Promised Land’ when we pulled up. You can’t do bet­ter than Elvis Pres­ley, and we thought we would cel­e­brate his birth­day as we get started cel­e­brat­ing tak­ing our coun­try back to work!”

That was Bachmann’s open­ing state­ment in Spar­tan­burg, S.C yes­ter­day, as she addressed the crowd gath­ered at one of her pres­i­den­tial cam­paign events. The prob­lem with her cel­e­brat­ing Presley’s birth­day yes­ter­day was a lit­tle fact that hap­pened to be that August 16th was the day Pres­ley died. Elvis Pres­ley was actu­ally born on Jan­u­ary 8th.

But have no fear, this is Michele Bach­mann after all. What would really be sur­pris­ing would be if she even knew what day of the week it was!

Carry on Michele, do you!

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