05 August 2011

A wish

" Making Obama A One-Term President Is My Single Most Important Political Goal."

--Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.

On Fox News Sunday, Bret Baier asked him if he stands by his previous statement that “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President.” McConnell confirmed that his goal remains unchanged.

McConnell elaborated slightly explaining that it is still his goal to prevent Obama’s re-election, but for the rest of this year something else takes priority:
“Well that is true, [making Obama a one-term President is] my single most important political goal along with every active Republican in the country. But that’s in 2012."

His single most important political goal? Is that not a f****d up priority? Shouldn't, I don't know, things like working WITH the President to improve the economy or create jobs be like #1 and #2??

 If you had a birthday wish for President Obama, what would it be?

Every morning I do pray that God please find favor for our president and his family. And America at large. My additional wishes are actually prayers. I pray that the republicans and tea partiers realize their representatives are not looking out for their best interests, and that every congress man who is hoping for President Obama's downfall- that they reap what they sow much sooner rather than later. I also pray that  President Obama stop with the over-compromising with the half of Congress who are proud self-professed  enemies of him-those whose sole purpose is to make things back for him. But then again, like a coworker always says, perhaps President Obama is playing chess and I'm thinking checkers.  

So, if you had a prayer for President Obama, what would it be?

1 comment:

BigmacInPittsburgh said...

With that statement,every sane person in America,should get raging mad at these lunitics in Washington!