18 August 2011

STFU Rush Limbaugh

Straight from our "Seriously?" file, Media Matters is reporting that conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh linked President Obama to the new Triple Double Oreo cookie. What do the two have in common? Well, the cookie will have both chocolate and vanilla cream, which, according to Limbaugh, makes it "biracial," just like Obama.

"It isn't going to be long before it's going to be called the Or-Bam-eo or something like this," he said in referencing a report about the new Oreo on his talk show this morning. The report, which appeared in the Chicago Tribune's business section, does not mention race and certainly doesn't call the cookie "biracial."
We're pretty sure that the Oreo will not be renamed Or-Bam-eo, mainly because it's just not that clever. We also don't think it's a coincidence that Limbaugh is using the term "oreo," a racial slur, to compare -- and reduce -- the significance of the president's racial makeup to that of a sandwich cookie. Tacky.
--courtesy theroot.com

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