17 May 2012

Poem For Donna Summer

                                                              by L.M. Ross

Even though you’re gone,
I am still vibing on
The music, the music
This sometimes
Disco disco
Beat, beat, beat, beat
Giorgio created, but
Then… OH! How you
Completed it!You
Gave it soul, soul
Bounce, bounce
And yes… yes
Even meaning!

The gay club cats in Munich
Were first to latch on to
What was so digable
About you… as you sighed
And cooed
All the way through
“Love to Love You Baby…”
And soon after
This tall brown girl
From Massachusetts named
Ladonna Gaines
So swiftly changed
The world.

Donna, hot like Summer,
Summer. It was always summer
Summer in the clubs. Summer
Summer, it was always Summer
And it was always your simmering
Vocals that sold us
Controlled us… with
That siren
That belt
That urgent alarm
Inside your throat…
Coaxing us to leave our seats, to
Get on the floor
And dance, dammit!
Dance ourselves into a
Luminous sweat. Dance
Under a mirrored ball
So hard and fast we could
Almost forget our lives
Had any cares at all.

Let it be known that you could
BLOW! Yes, yes, yo! Far beyond disco
Disco anthems, anthems
And syncopated, syncopated
Beats, beats… and 70s-80s
Musical repetitiveness.
Hell, you even gave Babs Streisand
A run for her money. Yes! Donna
Summer had pipes for days, and
Could so easily delight with
Her stage presence.
And for a sublime time
From ‘75 through ‘79
Donna Summer ruled
The earth, yo! I do not
Exaggerate much. Such was
The sense of celebration and
Sheer JOY she gave us all!

So this day and in many days to come
I am remembering you
And I thank you
For making me and
Whole generation
Fall willing and sweaty
Victims under
Your spell

Thank you for making us
Dance ourselves into a
Luminous sweat… and to dance
Under a mirrored ball
So hard and fast we could
Almost forget our lives
Had any cares at all.

                                                             Moanerplicity!   from   here

1 comment:

Don said...

RIP Donna Summer.

I remember watching her She Works Hard For The Money video as a young kid and thinking to myself that she's not talking about working a 9 to 5. Lol. Then I heard Bad Girls, and knew for a fact that she wasn't. Lol.

A true legend.