02 September 2009

25 Random things no one will ever read

1.I met met my wife when: Haven’t met her yet.

2. I hate: that I love sweets

3. My favorite thing in the world is: dessert!

4. I'm scared of: bats, rats, and dying alone

5. I have my doll from: non applicable.

6. I never had: pork chops and applesauce out of a garbage can.

7. My first job was: paperboy

8. I have a sister: that was born the week before I turned 3

9. My dream car: a black self-cleaning jaguar

10. I remember my accident : I was sleepy

11. When I retire: I will write until I can’t write anymore, and it’ll be in beautiful house in Negril Jamaica .

12. I've never been: beaten up.

13. I can't sleep: if I haven’t showered

14. I think Algebra is: light years more enjoyable than Geometry or Calculus. Wait...I know there's a theorem proving it somewhere....

15. I miss: R&B radio stations, listening to Tavis Smiley and Steve Harvey on the radio as I get ready for work or listening to Gospel on the radio on my way to church on Sundays (when I lived in Milwaukee Wisconsin) and black people to the left, the right in front, and back of me everywhere, outside of church ( I live in Oregon)

16. I have had dreams about: Halle Berry, Janet Jackson, Rachel Smith, Sallie Toussaint, & Dorothy Dandridge fighting over me.

17. I used to go to lunch: with a different group of friends on different days each week.

18. I love shopping for: clothes, bakeware, music, and books

19. Drama: I avoid it, unless it’s on tv.

20. It bothers me when: people get in my lane ahead of me without signaling.

21. I wish I had: 70 lbs off my body frame

22. I like being close to: Los Angeles

23. I am not: a rock & roll fan. I tolerate it since all my friends here like it exclusively and the majority rules when we hang out.

24. I don't always: talk to people in the morning. I don't engage in a full-scale personal conversation until about 10 am; I am not a morning person!

25. This list was: satisfactory

1 comment:

satire and theology said...

'19. Drama: I avoid it, unless it’s on tv.'

Good idea. Hey, I am always looking for reciprocal blog links. Please let me know if interested.
