14 April 2011

The Aunt Jemima Syndrome

                                                                                                                                For Billie Holiday
This is not a bio about me  alone.
some of us are even college-educated;
we come to work with smiles
on our faces like buttons strategically placed.
they are removed the second we leave.
we get callouses on our hands
and carpet burns on our knees
from scrubbing floors
and scrubbing the toilets
that we are not qualified
to piss or take a shit in.

this is not a bio about me alone.
we gladly cook the nine-course meals,
serve the food and cocktails
in black tuxedos and uniforms
and smile when/if smiled at
and sit in the kitchen eagerly waiting
along with the family dog
hungry for the scraps:
                #1-pig stomach lining (hogmaw)
                #2-pig intestines or guts (chittlin’s)
                #3-pigs feet
                #4-pig tongue, tail, & ears
                #5-pig brain (head cheese)
                #6-cow’s neck (neck bones)
                #7-ox tails
                #8-the tubular passage that extends from mouth to anus and functions in digestion                       and absorption of food and elimination of residual waste in birds (gizzards)
we gladly fetch
their slippers the newspaper
the mail and drive mr  and miss daisy and her kids
to the grocery store
and we walk where we need to go
in the pouring rain the heavy winds heavy snow in shoes two sizes too small

this is not a bio about me alone.
we get pistol-whipped stomped kicked to the curb
and beaten by cops whose actions are applauded
and the issue is taken lightly
and danced around and we get frustrated
and fight gunfire with gunfire,
even amongst ourselves.
this is not a bio about me alone.
this is not a bio about me alone.
this is about all of us
who don’t know our places,
and step out of line. 

(I wrote this 30 years ago after watching a documentary  about Billie Holiday. During a scene, and I cant remember what it was- I remember her saying "I aint no damn Aunt                                 Jemima!"  and this poem came to me that night)


Daij said...

@ Reggie, thanks man!

EarthAngel172 said...

This poem is FIYA!! Great post.

Daij said...

@ Je t' aime, thanks!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

NICE!!! publish it