15 July 2012

That's all I had to do

something in the way you made me feel.
not when you said we were friends
but when you acted like we weren't.
you know,
when I would call,
I bought souvenirs for your kids,
I even baked a cake for parties that I weren't  invited to.

& all I had to do was to stop communicating.
to stop hearing from you.

I've waited long enough
(not really waiting,
living my life)  for you to call or text or email 
to say something as simple as 
'wassup man, long time no hear. what have you been up to?'

& all I had to do was to stop communicating.
to stop hearing from you?

Maya Angelou says, 'when someone shows you who they really are, believe them'.

I believe you.

(note to self -stop communicating to find out who will wonder why they haven't heard from you. those that you will never hear from again, don't matter. except your family-
I used to call my sister alot. When I stopped calling her, I never heard from her again. Oh, I still leave happy birthday happy mother's day or merry christmas  voicemails on her phone when she doesn't answer. She never responds. This blog entry isn't about her though. It's for someone else. My sister just happens to do the same thing)

1 comment:

Don said...

Maya Angelou had the right idea. I've been in similar situations myself and often come to expect much of the same.

Experience is a good teacher. As we live, we usually learn discernment.