17 September 2013

48 hours ago

History was made at the Miss America pageant
For the first time since Vanessa Williams and Suzette Charles were the last two finalists standing (2 African Americans) Nina Davuluri and Crystal Lee were the last two finalists standing as well-this time, 2 Asian Americans. All the white women were rejected.  Like how when President Obama was elected and then re-elected, the racist white folks were not having it.
News agencies cited tweets which misidentified her as Muslim or Arab and associated her with terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, the say way they accuse the President of being a muslim terrorist.
She's of Indian descent. Born and raised in the United States.
She was my choice from the beginning. This woman is no dummy-she attended the University of Michigan  and has won several scholastic honors including the Dean's List, Michigan Merit Award, and National Honor Society Award. 
 She graduated with a degree in Brain Behavior and Cognitive Science.
Something else she has in common with Vanessa Williams- she was the second Miss Syracuse to win the competition after Vanessa Williams in 1983


Moanerplicity said...

Some prejudiced fools in America need to grow the hell up... or else get left behind in their archaic thinking.

This woman is both Brilliant of Brains AND BEAUTY... & she deserves that title!


Daij said...

I so agree!