29 September 2013

A poem about some oregonians

some oregonians think they're cool
they don't eat wheat products
or products from animals that shit or piss
they drink their water with a lemon slice
they even know the name of the chicken they cook
they remember
sir mix a lot
boys 2 men
bell biv devoe
george clinton
                          at every party
                          they play a couple Motown tunes just  for me
                          singing in unison
                          like that's suppose to suffice
                          as they return to alternative rock or folk music for the rest of the night,
and some might have a Jimi Hendrix or Bob Marley t shirt on
and probably don't have a single song of theirs in their collection
except maybe one love
they may as well say
let's just say we do
because  they don't or won't initiate any form of communication unless they need a cake.
for free.
some want you to be their only black friend
just so they can say wassup nigga to someone who is black
and be surprised that it's taken offensively
they want to tell people they have a black friend
until they realize their friends could care less about black people
and they kick you to the curb
when you're deemed unnecessary
smiling in your face not really wanting to take your place.
not all,
but some oregonians think they're cool.
they're not.

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