01 August 2009

''i've been reaching for the stars
i've been stretching out so far
am i getting any closer,
than i've ever been before?...
i'm rebuilding this house
that was destroyed by the waves
all this time i'll make a mansion
all this time i'm not afraid
rise, rise rise
like a star you will rise"

I began to suspect that the world is divided not only into the happy and the unhappy, but into those who like happiness and those who, odd as it seems, really don't.
-c.s. lewis, 1940

words. when i was younger i use to wonder why God did not just line us up and sort each of us out according to our choices- him being infinite and all knowing, why the necessity of each person living thru each life? not that i've fully answered my childhood inquiries, some insight has been gleaned. we really do change. there truly are some pains, some experiences that cannot be substituted, or learnt from books- reminding me that this flesh is weaved to me. some things must be done. must be felt. must be ached for. and must be held empty. some loves let go. and some loves left unknown.

hope, mercy, and grace. my dear, we truly do need each other.

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