03 January 2012

In need of a testimony?

You can't have a testimony without a test.

Your blessings aren't always big. Sometimes they're small. God isn't ready when you're ready for your blessing, but I do believe that He will give you small blessings along the way, to tide you over, to remind you (me) that he is working it out on your (my) behalf and that you (I) need to be patient.

Here's a testimony, one of many:

4 years ago, about 3 months before I got this job offer, I worked at Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I was miserable, and I was broke. 4 days away from payday, I balanced my checkbook as that morning  to see how much I had and realized that I hadn't managed my money well since the last pay period, and I had three dollars to my name. My ex girlfriend's cat  (I got custody of him when we broke up) had ran out of food, my car was almost on E, and I didn't want my new girlfriend to know I was broke at the time. While at work that morning I was at my desk, and I was talking to God like I normally do, and I said, "God, I just need $20 and that would be enough to tide me over until I get paid. I only live a mile from work, and I don't need a full tank. Just $10 of it for gas. I have a pantry and fridge full of food but I need to feed Isaiah." I said that to Him and had that thought in my mind while at work and while I had built the courage to ask friends for a loan. I don't do that- I don't ask people for favors unless I am backed in a corner and I've exhausted all other options. Well, I had no other options, and so, at my morning break when I was to meet a couple friends for coffee, I was going to ask them, but guess what happened within an hour of my talking to God?

A coworker, an older lady , someone I didn't know particularly well and had only said good morning, hello, or have as good evening, in passing, walked over to my desk, and said:
"Hi Alieux. I woke up in the middle of the night and  you were on my mind, and then when I went back to sleep and woke up this morning,  God told me to give you $20. I don't know why.  I ignored Him and I got myself and my kids up for work and to take them to school, and when I was driving to work  He told me again, give him $20. Well, I got to work, and its in my head, again and again. And I ignored Him and I went to breakfast, and you were on my mind again  so I decided that I better give you this $20 or God will pester me until I do!"  Then she gave me the $20 and she went back to her desk immediately.   I was speechless. 
I quickly emailed her, thanking her for the money and telling her I would pay her on friday. She said  'don't thank me. Thank God, and don't pay me back. It's not a gift. It's a give. God told me to give it to you, not loan it to you!  :)  ' . 
So that I could let her know why God had put it on her heart to give me the $20,  I told her that as recently as maybe 10 minutes before she brought the money over to me, I was telling God that I'd be happy if I had at least $20. 
She told me that she was glad that she didn't ignore God, and therefore preventing the blessing. I'm glad too, because it was a blessing. 

God knew I needed the money before I knew I needed the money. He had put it her mind  in the middle of the night. He was already planting the seeds.       You can't have a testimony without a test.



Don said...

Awesome post and amazing how the two of you were on the same page. Agreed. god had to be the author of that good deed.

Love how she stated it's a "give."

Thanks for sharing. I love blogs of this particular nature. Inspiring, to say the least.

Daij said...

Thanks Don. I like reading these too