13 January 2012

Word of the day


(verb) to defecate in terror

This colloquialism originates in the infamous and widely publicized 1983 incident where Mitt Romney strapped his Irish setter, Seamus, to the roof of his car whilst driving to Canada, causing the terrified dog to defecate.

"The door of the cab literally GRAZED my knee as it whizzed by. I nearly Romneyed!"

--The urban dictionary

 I know a few people that have defended what he did, saying that was the 80's. Here's the recap: sometime during a 12-hour drive from Boston to Canada in 1983, Mitt’s oldest son, Tagg, noticed a brown liquid running down the rear window of the family station wagon. Realizing the liquid was being discharged by their dog, Mitt pulled off the highway and into a gas station, borrowed a hose to wash down Seamus and the car, and then returned the dog to his rooftop carrier for the duration of the trip.
The fact that he hosed it down and put  him back on the top of the car like it was a piece of furniture shows the heartlessness of this man wanting to be the president.  His excuse was "the dog loved to go for a drive," but somewhere along the way, the dog obviously stopped loving it.  And he hosed it down and put it right back on top of the car.

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