12 June 2010

If I ruled the world

"If you ruled the world, what would you do?"

 This question come to me in a dream. Actually, in the dream, I was a judge in the Miss Universe Pageant, and the current Miss USA, Rima Fakih, had won Miss Earth, and she was representing the planet. That was the question I had for her. I know,  crazy, but dreams are always like that.  She said, 'there are so many rules I would impose to make the crooked world straight.'

That's all I remember of the dream, but the idea of making the crooked world straight stuck with me. So, I've come up with a few rules I would make, "to make the crooked world straight";

  • Hatred, discrimination,  racism, being a bad or deadbeat parent and even being mean to someone would be felonies.
  • New York State would have open records adoption laws (since they're sealed, I'm paying private investigators big bucks to locate my biological mother and siblings)
  • We would treat the homeless, the poor and our veterans much better than we do now.
  • We would treat the elderly like Gold; we would treat people the way we'd like to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot.
  • We would somehow, be completely weened off our dependency on oil.
  • I could walk the streets without being suspected of being a criminal.
  • There is justice in the justice system.
  • The majority of the television- viewing audience were people of color (the color of shows would drastically change to represent those watching it- I wouldn't complain about why there were no black Bachelors or Bachelorettes, or predominately black tv dramas, or major characters of color, etc.,anymore)
  • There would be more successful black movie producers
  • We would get a refund of our annual insurance premiums if we didn't incur any expenses during the year; the same thing with out car insurance if we had no accidents.
  • I wouldn't be invisible amongst people at work who see me everyday ( someone recently told me, "oh, you must be new here at the company." My response was ; "I've been going to this same meeting once a month, for the 3 years I've been here and you have been introduced to me twice before this time.").
  • The invisible knapsack wouldn't exist.
  • Parents would be required to pass tough parenting courses and be certified before they could even have children.
There's a lot more, but those are most pressing for me at the moment.

If you ruled the world, what rules would you impose?

1 comment:

Wonder Man said...

I wonder what I would do