16 June 2010


I’m going to do something
I keep saying that I need to do
and haven’t .
It’s going to be radical for me, and
it’s going to take a lot of practice; I don’t expect to master it overnight but like conquering all other habits, I’ll need take it one day at a time and I can’t/won’t give up until I’ve achieved success.

I’m going to practice patience.

You see,
God knows my problems before they even become problems.
I’ve always known this-
And my getting upset is basically a waste of time. He is already looking into the issue for me.
I’m going to practice patience.
Why get upset,
Why allow things or people to make me so angry I wanna hit something or them when that reaction does nothing to resolve the issue at hand?
It makes me feel better for a minute, but I might have made matters worse.
Someone once told me that anger is just one letter away from danger.
So, I’m going to practice patience until I get it right.

--I’ll start tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Start NOW!!!

25champ said...

I def feel with patience comes rational thought and we rarely go wrong when we are rational. Good Read!

Daij said...

Thank you!