23 December 2011

Like my grandfather had done for 30 years following his retirement to his death, like I had done with  him before we'd go back  home to have breakfast with the rest of the family for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and like I had done last Christmas day and New Years Day, I will feed the homeless Christmas morning and either return home to have breakfast by myself or go to some restaurant.The Portland Rescue Mission is where I will be.Because my grandfather cooked and baked all the time, I feel his presence every time in my kitchen, not when I'm cooking or bakingfor myself, but when I'm cooking and baking for other people. And when I miss my grandfather the most, I just go to my kitchen and cook or bake something and I give it to someone who'd appreciate it.


25champ said...

This made me smile

Daij said...

Thanks champ

Andews Hayes said...

It's heartwarming that you continue to do what your grandfather has done before. He would have been so happy to see you doing that. :-) There are times when I also think of my grandpa. He's the sweetest person I've ever known. I can still remember his smiles every time he fetched me from school.

Daij said...

Thanks Andews! Appreciated!