12 December 2011

Note to self- Push/Pull

A force is a push or pull acting upon an object as a result of its interaction with another object. Or another person.  There are three kinds of people in our lives, those who push you up high, those who  pull you down to their level or below, and those who are indifferent.  This is about those  who pull you down.
Some people make it their duty to make other people's life miserable. They strive on that, it's their way of life and for them, it's fun.
They are unhappy and they want you to be the same. You need to isolate yourself from these people, or they will do their operations on you big time.

"The Blues ain't about making yourself feel better," said Bleeding Gums Murphy to Lisa Simpson on The Simpsons,  "it's about making other people feel worse."
I personally call them toxic people,they are all around us, they are annoying, obnoxious, irritating, and depressing. They can dampen your spirits. They can get you fired,  ruin your relationships with spouses, friends, relatives, lovers, and they can erode your self esteem.

Be careful of unhappy miserable people. Chances are you have encountered one in your time....they are not noticeable immediately....but overtime, their true nature is inevitably revealed.
They're just bent on being chronically miserable no matter the circumstances. so if you are in the presence of a miserbale person, ..."RUN!!!"....you are probably not going to change that person....
Misery loves company. 
That phrase originated from Dr. Faustus, a play from the 16th century about a man who was prepared to give up all hope by signing a pact with the devil in exchange for 24 years of living with his desires being fulfilled. The quote is from the lips of Mephistophilis, the devil's agent, in answer to the question about why Satan seeks to enlarge his kingdom. The phrase appears to mean that those who are unhappy seek to make others unhappy too.
This is a note to myself because recently I almost let a friend convince me that the idea of marriage was over blown, and that I was too old to have any more kids. My first and only child, a son, is 28 and is not my son biologically but he's still my son. He practices law in Argentina.  I've always wanted more. I've always wanted a Mrs Alieux  Casey-George as well. I had to step back and see this friend for  who he really was and remind myself of his history.  His first wife  cheated on him with his best friend. His second wife cheated on him with the son he had with his first wife. They now have a baby together.  His son is an electrical engineer in Mexico that he doesn't talk to. His third wife had the marriage annulled within 3 days of marriage because she changed her mind. She's now married to some rich guy in LA.  My friend's job as a driver for Frito-Lays recently down-sized him to on-call status. He used to work 6-9 hour days a week and now they only call him to work on Sunday mornings for about 5 hours.  He recently applied for unemployment. He's miserable. And bitter.     
When I'm around him I simply have to tell myself that "I am OK"...or having a postive attitude, even when he's negative.  He keeps seeking to drag me into a miserable hell, like the clever demon attempted Dr. Faustus. I have to not take what he says  seriously, or I'll end up as depressed as he is.

But if he's not careful, he will have one less friend. As I write this, I'm thinking of avoiding him altogether.

Are you hanging with people who are pushing  (or pulling) you up or pulling (or pushing) you down?


Don said...

After reading this post I am convinced that we might do think alike! Interestingly enough, I had similar thoughts on my mind this morning as I began to write a post.

Your friend has probably smothered himself in his own negative thinking. I have to believe that one day he will GET IT.

Positive thought brings positive movement, i truly believe this.

Good read.

Daij said...

Thanks Don!

Wonder Man said...

nice post, I'm share this with my peeps

Daij said...

Thanks Wonder man!