17 December 2010

on taking risks

To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
                            --author unknown

I've recently taken a risk. The writer ( & Nobel Peace prize winner and Holocaust survivor) Elie Wiesel said that 'the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.'

I took a risk, uprooting my self from my network of family and friends and familiar surroundings in Wisconsin, for the sake of a job in the state of Oregon. In between the first and second interview I was disagnosed with a condition that required my being on crutches and making sure I didn't apply pressure to my right foot so that blood could flow to the bone to nourish it (it got better about 7 mos later). So, I was thinking, 'here I am, in crutches, in a 2-floor apartment in Milwaukee Wisconsin,  needing friends to help me pack up and clean and vacuum my place for the move, and I'm going some place where I only have one friend and his wife to help me ( which they did not). It would be so much easier if I stayed here.'  I'm glad I made the move. Three years later, I am still proud of the company for which I work. My social life here, however, is virtually dead. I've been shown a whole lot of indifference in my personal life. But do I have any regrets about the move? No. I prayed for a great underwriting opportunity on the west coast ( I specifically prayed for an opportunity in Los Angeles, but Portland is close enough), and I know that everything else will follow suit. God never does anything half-way.

Have you taken any risks lately?


Wonder Man said...

risk is the best part of life

Reggie said...

You're right, sometimes you've gotta take a chance.

I have been a supervisor/manager working in an office for the last 15 years or so....I'm sick of it. I'm sick of having people report to me and make all types of lame excuses for not coming to work; and hearing all types of shit from them on a regular basis about their personal lives that would curl the hair on your ass. I am sick and tired of answering for their performance and sick and tired of being ignored by the people that work for me. Next year, I'm going to try a job in sales......at least I think I will.

Sometimes we've gotta try something new.

♥ CG ♥ said...

Risk is the core of growth. It's great that you stepped out on faith and positioned yourself for continual success :-).

Daij said...

@wonderman --true.

@reggie- those are reasons why i'd never want to be a boss. Good luck with your switch to sales next year. I have to tell you, u work with the sales department here on a daily basis, am I am pleased to say that the staff at my job-- they are the coolest. Once I've let them know that I have zero tolerance for liars and that I should not be pushed to do something yesterday, they respect me. I like them anyway. cool people.
@CG- thank you so much. Today I did have a second of doubt, but God is so very good. I know He's got a plan. After all, he blessed me with the best job I have ever had in my life