26 August 2010

Mistake # 1,017

i did it again.
i put my heart out there.
it didn't get that far.

instead of admiring from the distance-
i temporarily removed self-doubt
i put my hopes out there
climbing out from underneath starving talk
i made the approach
and liking the response,
i saw the potential of something perhaps occurring
somewhere down the road:

a romance.

but via email,
i'm told she was headed in the opposite direction.
the self-doubt has returned.

but the heart is still in tact.

(    on to the next one.



Kandia said...

I usually happen upon love when I'm not looking...I happen to like it better that way. Just minding my own business and "ooops you found me again". :-)

Daij said...

yeah, my problem is, i keep looking. and all my friends are coupled up.