08 August 2010

most non-black people tell me, after having known me for a while, that before they met me and they would see me in passing, that I " always looked like  I was on my way to beat someone's ass, but I'm a pretty cool funny guy."
i have been in situations where I have been scared.
this look has helped me more often than not.


Val said...

Lol, that's your New York look!

Daij said...

LOL it's funny because I forget that I look angry, and I always wonder why new white people at work avoid me until I say hello!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

It's the scary black man syndrome. White people have an innate sense of knowing all the s**t they or their ancestors have done deserve an a** whipping. Don't mind me I just finished helping someone with a history course. Maybe you should smile more. LOL!

Moanerplicity said...

Sometimes the exterior fails to reflect the internal. I've had perfect strangers pass me on the street telling me to "SMILE!" So, I guess have the same SBMS.

Is it REALLY a Black thang? Don't think so... it's only others perception of us. But I refuse to smile like an idiot for no reason just to make others more comfortable in my presence.


Daij said...

LOL I do! This is just my normal look when I'm not smiling!

Daij said...

Moanerplicity- I agree with you. I get that alot as well.